Chapter Twenty: Wrapping Up

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"Ten Million," Nathalie called exhausting their maximum bid

"Ten million going once, Ten million going ..." the auctioneer counted down, Gabriel smiled wickedly he was so close

"Thirteen Million," the mysterious man countered at the last minute

"Damnit," Gabriel growled, he was pissed but unaware that someone was actually targeting him

"Thirteen Million going once..."

"Bid higher," Gabriel commanded, he was so close yet someone snatched the win away from him

"I'm sorry sir," Nathalie replied shaking her head, "I can't let you do that."

"Fifteen Million!" An bid

"Fifteen million going once, Fifteen million going twice, Fifteen million sold " the auctioneer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations," a man said as he handed An the phoenix miraculous in exchange for the hefty check.

"That was a lot of money dad," Mei sighed worriedly

"Don't worry," An reassured his daughter with a warm smile "it's nothing we can't back."

"But..." Mei rebutted

"It seems you underestimate how much your father's earning power," Lee chuckled smiling at her daughter

"What will we do with it now?" Mei asked turning towards Marinette "I suppose we return it to you?"

"Oh no," Marinette protested, "I don't think so, well actually I don't know... I guess it's time for me to contact the Guardians."

Within a couple of days, a guardian visited the mansion to discuss the next steps both for the phoenix miraculous and Marinette.

"I believe it's rightfully yours," the guardian decided, "what do you think Marinette?"

"Me?" Marinette gasped, "Oh, of course, you are one of the protectors after all."

"For you," An said as he handed the hairpin to his daughter, "store it in a safe place."

"But father," Mei cried as she let a tear slip down her face, "I don't deserve it."

"Someday you will realize your use for it," Marinette said reassured her recalling the time she received the Ladybug earrings, she certainly didn't think she deserved them, but seeing how she was able to protect Paris, the wonderful partnership she had with Chat Noir, perhaps it was her destiny after all.

"Okay, I'll keep it safe," Mei promised.

Honestly, I'm not sure how much people would pay for such an auction item, but given that it is an ancient relic, and Gabriel is a super-rich man who would pay a lot to get a magical jewel so I over-exaggerated the cost lol 


"What do you think?" The guardian asked Marinette once they were alone, "do you think you're ready?"

"Ready for what?" Marinette asked confused

"Ready for what it takes to become a guardian," he chuckled, "we've sent you on this mission as part of your training."

There's a lot I still need to learn Marinette thought to herself, plus I need to make sure I can control my emotions, otherwise, Hawk Moth will be able to get to me anytime.

"I think there's still a lot of training left for me," she decided, "I will resume training in Tibet."

"Very well," the guardian nodded with a smile, "we will depart in a couple of days. You are free to explore until then."

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