Chapter Eighteen: Spending Time with You

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Adrien felt the hot tears prick down his cheek as pulled Marinette in for a hug. For once in his life, he was able to truly open up and be himself, instead of maintaining the perfect model image his father always expected. Marinette was the one to see past it all. She had become a true friend whom he could trust and rely on.

"Thank you, Marinette," He sobbed as pulled her closer to him, "thank you."

Marinette hugged him back with a small smile, "It's okay Adrien. Come on, why don't you choose something you want to do for once."

"I don't know," Adrien shrugged looking at the scenery around him, "I don't know what I want to do."

"Think about what you like," Marinette suggested, "hobbies you enjoy, subjects you like in school."

"I guess never really thought about it," Adrien admitted, it seemed that his father had already planned out his entire life for him. Nobody had ever asked him what he truly enjoyed or what he wanted in life. "I guess I enjoy science."

"Maybe we could explore some exhibits?" Marinette asked, "although it does seem quite late in the day, we can go another day. Why don't you choose a place to eat?"

"Sure!" Adrien perked up, he liked the idea of spending more time with Marinette. The day had gone by so quickly he barely even noticed. It sure made up for the long boring days he was stuck at the hotel. "I don't know about you but I'm beginning to miss your dad's pastries."

"Really?" Marinette giggled, "well if you have a kitchen in your hotel room, I can teach you how to make some croissants or cookies."

"I have a small kitchenette with a double stove and a toaster oven," Adrien's thoughts went back to the luxury suite he had been stuck in over the past couple of weeks. He was fortunate that his father had booked him a room with more amenities than the standard hotel room. "Will that work?"

"It may not turn out quite the same," Marinette replied, "but it'll do."

The two went to a grocery store closer to the hotel and picked up some ingredients and basic utensils. Taking advantage of the fact they were in a grocery store, Adrien decided to buy some cheese for Plagg so that he didn't have to keep ordering it.

"Did you want to get room service?" Adrien offered, if Marinette was going to teach him how to bake the least he could do was buy her dinner

"Are you kidding me?" Marinette scoffed, "look around, there's so much more than the boring fancy food from your hotel room right?"

"I guess I never thought about that," Adrien blinked, "although the street food looks pretty good."

"Then let's have that," Marinette decided

Adrien was taken aback, "Are you sure?" he asked, he was surprised that someone would settle for street food

"Of course!" Marinette exclaimed, "It's the best! Think about it, cheap delicious food catered to the locals."

"You're right," Adrien nodded with a smile casually taking her hand in his, "let's go." 


In Paris

Luka took a look at the conflicted young girl who sat beside him. After spending time with her over the past couple of weeks he could tell that she had it in her to be a good person, she just needed the right friends and an extra push.

"Hey Chloe, you want to come over to one of my band's practice sessions sometime?" Luka asked the blonde

"Y-Your band?" She blinked. He had a band?

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