Chapter Seventeen: Exploring Shanghai

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"Hey Mei, do you think we can explore famous streets?" Marinette asked, "I want to get some inspiration for some fashion designs."

"You're a fashion designer?" Mei gasped clearly intrigued

"Uh, no not yet," Marinette blushed, "I hope to be though."

"Hmm, I know, I'll take you to places only locals know to go," Mei replied, "you won't be able to experience this as a tourist."

"Okay!" Marinette nodded, "sounds fun!"

"Oh right," Mei recalled, "you said you would be inviting your friend?"

"Oh right," Marinette exclaimed "I hope that's okay with you" she added giving her new friend a small smile

"Honestly the more the merrier, I'm usually with all my friends when I'm abroad at school but since I've come back for the summer, I don't really have many friends here," Mei admitted, "that's why I kind of got all excited when I first saw you."

"Alright, let me text him," Marinette said as she pulled out her phone, "I know he's been dying to go out since his dad keeps him trapped inside the hotel room."

"That's horrible," Mei frowned, a boy huh? Could it be a lover perhaps? Maybe she could show them all the local spots and leave them alone to do touristy things by themselves.


Hey Adrien, I met a friend who can show us around places only locals know of! What time do you want to meet up?


Cool, I'm free whenever, want to meet up at the hotel?



Adrien looked at his phone with a wide smile on his face, he was finally able to go out. Sure he wasn't completely happy that someone else would be there but it would be worth exploring hole in the walls that they wouldn't be able to discover as a tourist.

"Someone's got a date?" Plagg singsonged as he flew over to put a piece of smelly cheese in front of Adrien's face

"Plagg!" Adrien groaned, "Why do you keep doing that doing that?"

"Cuz it's so much fun teasing you!" Plagg cackled gulping the cheese in whole, "I'm surprised your father let you go out."

"Me too Plagg," Adrien smiled


I think we're outside, we'll wait for you in the lobby.


Ok sounds good!

Adrien walked down to the hotel lobby and saw Marinette waiting there with another girl.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted as he walked up towards them, "I'm Adrien," he introduced himself as he turned to the girl next to Marinette

"I'm Mei," the girl replied with a smile

"Nice to meet you, Mei," Adrien grinned

Mei looked back and forth between Adrien and Marinette with a smirk, even she could see that they were perfect for each other, "so is this your boyfriend?"

Marinette turned at the girl and blushed, "No, of course not! He's just a friend."

Uh-huh... Mei looked over at Adrien who suddenly had a sad expression on his face. I don't know what happened but something's up, and I'm determined to make these two closer than ever.

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