Chapter Twenty-Nine: Truths

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Adrien followed his father as they went down a secret elevator that led to a large room somewhere beneath the mansion. Adrien looked around the room where he saw trees growing around a fancy glass cylinder.

"What is this place?" Adrien asked "Why did you bring me here?"

"Your mother is still alive Adrien," His father said as he opened the casket to reveal a sleeping Emile

Adrien couldn't believe his eyes, for the past year or so he had believed that his mother was dead, why did father hide this from me? What else is he hiding from me? "I don't understand... how is she...why is she...?"

Gabriel looked over at his confused son, "let's just say we made a poor decision that caused her to end up in such a state, but we can fix this."

"How?" Adrien cried clearly shaken by the whole experience, "why did you keep this from me?"

"I did this to protect you," Gabriel sighed, "there is one way we can bring her back to us, will you help me?"

"I don't know father," Adrien shrugged, "how do we bring her back?"

"With Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous," Gabriel grimaced

Adrien stared at his father in shock as he took a step back, "you're Hawk Moth? You're the one who has been terrorizing Paris all this time?"

"It's the only way we can get her back," Gabriel said as he glared at his son  "I wanted you to be happy!"

"I know you miss her father, I do too," Adrien admitted, "but I can't accept the fact that you've been causing chaos around the whole city just to get her back alive."

"So you're refusing me?" Gabriel growled, "after I did all of this for you."

"I don't know Father," Adrien sighed shaking his head, "I'm sorry but I think I need some time alone to process all of this, away from the mansion that is."

Gabriel watched as his son walked away before turning back to the casket, "I'm sorry Emilie, it seems that our son does not want any part in helping me save you. Have I told him the truth too late? Or should I even have told him the truth at all?"

Adrien stormed back into his room and quickly packed a bag. Confusion overwhelmed him as he took one last look at his room before heading off to the only place he could think of


"Adrien, what are you doing here?" Marinette asked as the blonde stood outside her apartment, "why don't you come in."

As Adrien stepped into the apartment he felt himself crumble to the ground. Sensing his agony, Marinette sat down next to him and pulled him in for a hug, "what's wrong Adrien? Talk to me."

"My father..." he sobbed as he wrapped his arms tightly around the bluenette "he's... Hawk Moth,"

So he finally found out... "If you don't mind sharing, could you tell me what happened?" Marinette inquired

" bring... mother back," Adrien said in between sobs, "he said something happened that caused mother to be in a coma and the only way to get her back is with Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. He wants me to help him."

So that's what happened... Marinette thought to herself, he must have been so confused about saving his mother and protecting Paris from Hawk Moth that it caused him to become akumatized. "What do you plan to do?" she finally asked

Adrien looked at the bluenette, there was no way he could keep his identity a secret any longer, especially if he was going to her for advice. "I need to show you something, but you can't let anyone know."

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