Chapter Twenty-Four: The Movies

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Adrien stared at his phone and turned towards Nino, "please tell me I didn't just do that..." he sighed as he buried his face in his hands

"Uh, you didn't just do that?" the DJ shrugged before erupting into laughter, "Dude that was so funny, I can't believe it."

"Uh, you don't think we can take her phone and delete it?" Adrien suggested

"Oh no, no, no," Nino replied shaking his head "let's not do that."

"Why not?" Adrien groaned, "this is so embarrassing..."

"Chillax dude, it's just Marinette," Nino reassured him "besides, it looks like it's too late"

Adrien looked at his phone and saw an incoming call from Marinette.

With Marinette

Marinette listened to the voice message one again with Alya as they both giggled

"Reminds me of someone don't you think hot stuff," Alya winked

"Don't remind me," Marinette muttered as she recalled the events when she sent the embarrassing voice message to Adrien, only to steal his phone so that he would never hear it. It seemed Adrien wasn't so lucky though.

"So, how do you plan to respond?" Alya asked curiously with a huge smirk on her face.

"Well, um I supposed I haven't been to the movies since before summer," Marinette admitted, "maybe it would good time to catch one."

"Well, when do you plan to respond?" Alya demanded

"Oh uh, should I text him or call him or...," Marinette asked her friend nervously

"Girl, don't make me reply for you myself," Alya half-joked half threatened

"Alright, Alright," Marinette gave in as she tapped her phone to call him back

"Put him on speaker," Alya whispered as Marinette practically gave in

"O-Oh hey Marinette," the girls heard Adrien's nervous voice over the phone, "what's duck, I mean what's up?"

"Hi Adrien, just got your message, did you have something to ask me?" Marinette replied

"Uh I uh..." Adrien stammered

Marinette sensed the poor boy's nervousness, "Oh speaking of which, it seems like I haven't been to the movies in a while, did you want to watch one together?"

"Uh sure, yeah that'd be fun," Adrien replied cheerfully.


"We'll get the popcorn and drinks, you guys save us some seats," Alya delegated as they went into the theater.

"Alright," Adrien shrugged as he and Marinette head off to the auditorium, "uh, sorry about the message...I-I..."

"It's okay Adrien," Marinette reassured the blonde with a warm smile, "I was like that all last year, silly right?"

Adrien thought back to the times Marinette was always stuttering around him that was all because she liked him? "I guess we are silly after all," he admitted with a light chuckle

"No need to be nervous around me," Marinette chuckled, "come on let's go in!"

"Right, okay," Adrien nodded as he followed her in. They took their seats saving two for Alya and Nino who came back with 2 drinks and 2 tubs of popcorn.

"Sorry dudes didn't have enough cash on me so I got 2 for us to share," Nino winked as he handed them a tub of popcorn and a drink to share

"No worries Nino," Marinette smiled, "one tub of popcorn is plenty."

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