Chapter Thirteen: Meeting You

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Where is that girl? Chloé wondered as she paced back and forth her room awaiting a reply from her "loyal servant" Sabrina.

Sabrina (img)

Hi Chloé! So sorry I won't be able to hang out with you this summer, we've decided to visit some family in the US!

Chloé looked at the image she sent, only to see a familiar-looking American kid "Seriously? She decided to ditch me for that American? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

"What is the matter, Mademoiselle?" Chloé's Butler Jean hurried into the room to check on her

"Oh, nothing, Jean whatever your name is," she sighed shooing him away, "I guess I'll go out for a walk or something."

"Very well Mademoiselle," Butler Jean bowed as Chloé stepped outside her room.

Chloé walked out of her father's hotel and put on her shades, she crossed the street and into the ombre blue-haired delivery boy making his rounds.

"Hey!" She snapped, "watch where you're going, do you know how expensive these are?"

"Sorry," the boy replied offering her his hand

Chloé gasped, "He's beautiful..."

"Uh thanks?" the boy blushed slightly turning his hand away, still holding his hand out to her

Did I really just say that aloud? Chloé thought mentally slapping herself on the head as she took the boy's hand "I-I'm Chloé" she blushed after getting up and shyly took her hand off his

"Luka," the boy replied with a soft smile before picking up the dropped goods to put back on his bike, "I should go," and with that, he head off.

Chloe stared at the boy biked away from her sight. Wow... he's cute...


Alya sighed as she sat next to her boyfriend and stared at her phone, where were Ladybug and Chat Noir? Why haven't there been any akuma attacks lately?

"What's wrong babe?" Nino asked with a concerned look on his face, "you seem really out of it lately."

"Something's suspicious," Alya frowned putting her detective skills to use, "there's no sign of Hawk Moth, Ladybug or Chat Noir!"

"Uh isn't that a good thing?" Nino asked confused "or are you just trying to get content for ladyblog again?"

"It's not that," Alya groaned slamming her hand to her forehead, "Hawk Moth would never give up so easily, besides, Ladybug and Chat Noir are supposed to at least be on patrol..."

"Give it a few days babe," Nino reassured her as he slinked his arm around her shoulder, it's not like you're supposed to see them every day after all "who knows, maybe they went on vacation."

"All of them?" Alya squawked thinking again, "I mean it's not impossible but..."

"Anyways, let me see how my dude is doing," Nino replied as he took out his phone to see a text from Adrien


I'm so bored...

Trapped inside this hotel room with nothing to do


That sucks dude...

That old man can't even give you a little bit of freedom huh?


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