Chapter Twenty Two-Pool Party

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"So how was your summer girl?" Alya questioned the bluenette during lunch break, "I can't believe you didn't message me all the important deets."

"It was nothing really," Marinette said attempting to rush it off, "just two friends hanging out exploring the city together."

"But you spent the night!" Alya hissed a little louder than she intended to whoops...

Marinette shook her head, her best friend was definitely taking it out of context, "can you stop bringing that up?"

"Nope, it makes me so excited," the brunette grinned, "plus who was this girl who made it happen."

"Oh, a new friend I made named Mei, I don't know why she did that," Marinette chuckled nervously

"Sure," Alya rolled her eyes, I'll dismiss this for now...

"What's wrong with you dude?" Nino asked as he sat beside his friend before class started, "you've become all nervous around Marinette."

"I don't know Nino," Adrien sighed, "I was okay when we were together in Shanghai but now it seems like I can't say a single sentence to her without stuttering."

"Looks like you've become Marinette," the DJ laughed, "boy, now I'm going to have to deal with what Alya used to deal with."

"Huh?" Adrien frowned clearly confused

Nino patted the blonde on his back, "haven't you noticed she was only stuttering around you? Now you're doing the same around her. Honestly, I think it's kinda funny."

"It's not funny Nino," Adrien muttered, "how am I supposed to sit next to her?"

"Uh..." Nino blinked, "hmm I don't know, guess that's up to you to figure out."


"You what?" Chloé cackled as soon as Adrien told her he'd been stuttering around Marinette. "I'm sorry but this is so ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."

"Not helping Chlo," Adrien muttered, why did I decide to bring this up to her anyway, a

"Okay fine," Chloé sighed rolling her eyes, "but honestly I don't know how I can help you, however, if you do want to hang out with her I guess I have one solution."

"Okay..." Adrien was clearly intrigued

"I'll throw a pool party!" Chloé exclaimed, "right here at this hotel, I'll invite the whole class."

"I guess," Adrien shrugged "but..."

"What? You're too nervous to see her in a swimsuit?" Chloé smirked, "Oh please you're a model you've seen plenty of women in bikinis."

"No, it's not that," Adrien denied, hell he hadn't even thought about swimsuits... "It's my father, he's super strict you know." (Bless your pure mind)

"Oh please," Chloé scoffed, "just say you're attending one of my parties I'm sure he'll agree, I am your childhood friend right?"

"Speaking of which," Adrien suddenly remembered Chloé's crush, "will Luka be there too?"

"Well... I-I uh..." Chloé stuttered

"Haha," Adrien laughed, "it's fun to see you like this Chloé, I'm really glad you changed for the better."

"Me too," Chloé nodded with a smile, "now about that party, I'll have daddy close the pool this Saturday and send an invite right now! Now shoo, I got lots of work to do."

"Uh okay," Adrien shrugged as he walked off before stopping in his tracks, "wait this weekend?!"

"Oh guess the pool's been booked this week," Chloe responded, "next weekend it is

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