Chapter Fourteen: New Friendships?

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"Just who are you anyway," Felix asked as he stared into the brunette's hazel green eyes, "A friend of my cousin or perhaps a friend of my uncle?"

"Adrien's your cousin?" Lila gasped pretending to be shocked, "no wonder you two look so much alike!"

Felix rolled his eyes and glared at the girl, he could tell this girl was a fake, after all, he had met many girls like her before, they were only after one thing, money, status, fame, attention, it was all the same. But he didn't know the girl's intentions or her relationship with his uncle. He was going to have to play it safe, for now...

"Yes I get that a lot," he replied dryly, "our moms were twins you know"

"Oh really? I didn't know that!" Lila lied, she had done all her research just the day before, "and to answer your question I guess I'm just a classmate of your cousin's and a new model for your uncle's brand. He invited me to stay over the summer since my mom will be out of town."

Felix frowned, something was definitely up, and there was no way his uncle would just invite some model to stay over at his mansion unless he had something planned.

"I'm surprised you're not a model," She cooed sensing his silence, "you're so much more handsome than he is."

"Yeah right," Felix muttered under his breath, surely this girl is just kissing up to me, probably like she did to my uncle.

Lila frowned, this was clearly not working the way she had planned, she thought she could fool everyone; she even fooled Gabriel Agreste, why couldn't she fool Felix? Perhaps he's too smart, maybe he could be more useful to me than I thought... if only I can find a way to convince him


Luka entered his sister's room and saw her friends comforting her as she and rose listened to music together

"Hey Juleka," Luka said as he gave his sister a warm smile, "are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, sorry I overreacted," Juleka muttered, "it's just that well, Chloé has been bullying me, well the entire class since practically forever."

"Maybe there's a reason behind it," Luka wondered

"Well her friend Sabrina did mention something about her mom," Rose recalled, "perhaps something about lacking attention? Not to mention, Marinette has been acting friendly towards her lately, she even invited her to study with her for the finals!"

"Maybe she's changed," Luka replied, "if Marinette can look past her past actions, I'm sure you can give her another chance too."

Juleka nodded hesitantly and pulled her brother in for a hug, "give me some time, I'll come around."

"Should we invite her to one of our Kitty Section practice sessions or concerts?" Rose suggested

"Yeah right, like she'll ever say yes to that," Alix groaned rolling her eyes, "besides I heard she likes XY, not rock n roll."

"You never know," Mylène shrugged "maybe she just needs some friends."

"I don't know," Alya sighed, just the thought of hanging out with the spoiled Chloé Bourgeois gave her the chills, "She's been tormenting us since day one, remember when she put gum on Marinette's seat?"

They all nodded recalling the incident, especially Nino who became friends with Adrien right after he showed his true character.

"Although it seems like Sabrina currently in the US," Nino remarked scrolling through his phone as he showed the group the Instagram photo Sabrina posted.

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