Chapter Ten: Realizations

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"Hey kitty," Marinette giggled, "I was just thinking about you..."

"Oh?" Chat stared into her beautiful bluebell eyes mesmerized for a moment "what could this purrincess be thinking about? Thinking about how pawsome I am?

"Haha no," Marinette laughed, "I've been thinking about the boy I like, well trying to get over, but realized I don't really know that much about him. Rather I'm more like a fangirl obsessing over him, and well is it really love? Or is it because I love the idea of him?"

Chat was taken aback, he had never heard anyone admit to such thing before, "so this guy... what made you fall in love with him in the first place?"

"Well, I guess it was hate at first sight," Marinette admitted remembering how she automatically assumed Adrien was the one to stick gum on her seat, "but I fell in love with him when he handed me his umbrella and admitted he was trying to get it off my seat." She sighed recalling the incident when she first fell in love with him, "it's silly I know."

"I don't think it's silly at all," Chat replied, he remembered that day, the day he had met his first, well second real friend. But was Marinette only just a friend? Or am I scared of losing our friendship?

"Can I ask you a question?" Marinette looked over at Chat who gave her a small nod to continue, "was what made you fall in love with ladybug? Do you really love her or do you just think you do?" She

"That's a good question," Chat frowned, of course, he loved Ladybug, she was his partner, his best friend. Ladybug was everyone's hero, a brave, confident girl who knew how to solve every problem but was he really in love with her, or did he just idolize her? "I don't know..."

"I guess we're in the same situation," Marinette let out a soft, sad sigh before returning her eyes to the ground. She knew Chat Noir couldn't possibly be in love with her, he barely knew her...

"I guess we are my Purrincess..." Chat agreed as they both sat silently looking at the moonlight.


Adrien went home after Marinette had fallen asleep, he couldn't help but think about their conversation.

Do I really love ladybug? Or do I just idolize her? Adrien thought to himself, I really don't know that much about her do I?

"Whatchu thinking about? Plagg asked interrupting Adrien's thoughts as he flew over towards the blonde model holding a piece of stinky cheese.

"Plagg!" Adrien groaned covering his nose, "get that stinky piece of cheese away from me!"

Plagg shrugged as he gulped the piece of cheese in whole before letting out a loud burp, "lemme guess, lover boy finally realizes he's in love with pigtails."

"No Plagg," Adrien denied, "well, I don't know, I'm just thinking, do I really love Ladybug?"

"Oh please," Plagg scoffed, "says the kid who has action figures and photos of her on his phone."

"No Plagg," Adrien sighed, "I mean do I really love her, or am I just infatuated with her?"

"Oh..." Plagg paused; the kid is actually using his brain for once, "looks like the girl has knocked some sense into you." 

Adrien took a deep breath as he stared up at the ceiling and once again he was lost in deep thought. Ladybug was indeed a special girl, but truly didn't even know much about her. Maybe I am really just idolizing her... Adrien knew that Ladybug would always occupy a space in his heart, but was he ready to let someone else in?


"So tell me all about your date with Adrien," Alya squealed over the phone being careful as she made sure her twin sisters weren't causing any ruckus again

"Alya," Marinette sighed, "it wasn't a date, we just studied as friends... besides we bumped into Chloé, and I kinda invited her to join us.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Alya screamed taking her eyes off the twins for a second

"I invited Chloé to study with us," Marinette repeated, "I'm glad we were able to help her."

"Chloé Bourgeois?" Alya shook her head in disbelief, "the girl who tormented you for years? Let me guess she was clinging to Adrien the whole time?"

"Actually no," Marinette replied letting out a small chuckle, "and she isn't really too bad, once you get to know her."

"Uh-huh," Alya managed hesitantly, only to hear a crash behind her "Ella, Etta no!"

Marinette laughed as she heard her best friend scolding her twin sisters over the phone "looks like you got your hands full. I'll talk to you tomorrow!" 

Marinette stared out the window; only to see Mr. Pigeon reakumatized again... well this will be an easy one

"Tikki spots on!" 

After the battle

"Pound it," the duo muttered as they once again defeated Mr. Pigeon for the 87th time.

"Hawk Moth never stops does he," Ladybug said rolling her eyes, "he's failed a hundred times with this poor man, yet he still wastes his time on him?"

"What can I say? We beat him every time," Chat winked giving her a small smile

"Right, that reminds me," Ladybug began, "looks like we'll both be out of town this summer."

"What?" Chat gasped, looking at her confused

"Oh right," Ladybug looked at the floor nervously before facing her partner again, "it seems that a guardian has found me and deems me unworthy, so he wants to bring me to Tibet over the summer to train."

"What about Paris?" Chat asked, "Without you, there won't be anyone to fix the mess."

"Right," Ladybug nodded acknowledging Chat's concern, "that's why I will bring the horse miraculous with me to teleport whenever there's an akuma attack."

"But I won't be here," Chat shook his head worriedly, "who will notify you if there's a problem."

"Oh about that...looks like we'll be counting on Bunnyx" Ladybug replied not wanting to get into detail about how Alix accidentally found out about her identity, "after all, if something were to happen to both of us in the future, she's the only one who can fix it."

Chat' heard his ring beep again, it was almost time for him to go "You're right, I'll see you around Ladybug."

Ladybug waved as she sadly watched her partner go

Am I really falling in love with Chat Noir?


"Claws in" Adrien sighed detransforming as he tossed his kwami another piece of cheese before collapsing on his bed.

He thought about Marinette and how she was always willing to put others before herself. He thought about their moments in New York, and how awfully clumsy she was. Yet she was so cute... Adrien chuckled remember as they kept bumping into the automatic glass doors in the hotel and the museum. He remembered how Marinette was the one to convince his father to let him go on the trip; if it weren't for her... well he wouldn't be able to witness all those silly moments.

Adrien's mind went to the rooftop party, and the moment they shared on the plane. He felt so comfortable hugging her and dancing with her; how he had only transformed into Chat Noir once he saw that he was she was in danger. He had felt so sad when he was forced to leave his friends and return to Paris at his father's command. But was I really sad about leaving Nino and the others? Or was I really sad because I had to part from Marinette? Perhaps she isn't just a friend after all? Perhaps he had been pushing his feelings for her away because he thought he loved ladybug.

"Kid's got a dreamy look on his face," Plagg grinned staring up at his holder, "Let me guess, you're thinking about Ladybug again?"

"No, actually..." Adrien sighed dreamingly, "Plagg I just realized I may be falling in love with Marinette."


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