Christopher and Mateo's conversation in front of Y/n

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"Hey, now Chirs, since when have you been so concerned about girls, and first impressions?" Mateo asked. "You never care about all those girls that stare at you at the gym."

"I just don't want you to get too weird, she was shy at first. And don't talk about sucking my dick," Christopher said.

"What? You afraid that she's gonna get the wrong idea?" he laughed. "Just relax, it's obvious I don't go around sucking dick. I'll cool it with the dick jokes."

"Good, let's just go to the backyard," he says. "We'll have a fun time."

"And you were right, she does look nice in purple," Mateo smiles.

"What I never said that," Christopher says. "And don't look at her like that."

Mateo laughed again, getting the reaction he wanted out of his friend. Sure he had teased his friend the first time he mentioned Y/n, but now that he actually git the chance to meet her he was already thinking of ways to pester him.

"Oh relax big guy, she's not my type anyway," he laughed again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. "She's cute, what are you talking about?"

"God I can't say anything about her can I?" he laughed again, this time harder. "I'm not the type to go after anyone's little crush."

"I never said that I liked her like that," he said getting defensive. "What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, sure you don't, that's why you talk about her all the time and why you're always with her," Mateo shakes his head. "You really are dumb."

"I'm only with her all the time because it's my job," he insists. "Nothing else."

"You didn't even want this job in the first place, not until you met her," he laughs again. "It's clear that she's special to you, you didn't need to bring her to meet us."

"Not true," Christopher says. "We're just friends."

"And that's why you practically ran out of your apartment when you got the call she was in the hospital," he says. "Just friends right?"

"If anything happens to her, I'm dead," he shrugged. "That's all."

"If y'all are just friends, then I'm sure you won't mind if I spend the night hitting on her," he said. "It would be fine if she were to spend the night at my place, would that be alright? I promise to take extra good care of your Bird."

"You won't do anything," he said.

It was pretty clear to Christopher that Mateo was just trying to get under his skin and get him to admit something. And of course, his antics worked, Mateo never failed to bother him, and maybe that's why they were such good friends

"Oh, you out of all people should know just how far I'll go," the smile he gave him was full of mischief.

Mateo was one to never back down from a challenge, and he saw almost anything as a challenge. He once broke his arm because someone bet he wouldn't be able to get out of a test, and of course, he had to go to the extreme but that's a story for another time. Christopher knew that Mateo wouldn't actually do anything to the extent he was implying, but it was still putting him on edge.

"Mateo, stop saying stupid shit," he said.

"What? It's not like I would mind having her spend the night," he shrugged. "She really is cute."

"Christopher," Y/n said. "Not to be that bitch, but can we talk in English, or something that I understand?"

"That's my fault," Mateo laughed. "Bird."

Mateo had every intention of continuing on with their conversation later on in the night, I mean what are friends for other than to brother the shit out of one another.

The words Y/n mixed up were Chicken and Bird, not because they rhyme, but because she's stupid.


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