Convo between Ushi and Christopher

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"Hello?" Christopher said answering his phone, putting it on speaker before setting it on his counter. "Ushijima, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Y/n got in a fight at school," Ushijima said, his voice as bland as ever.

"What?" he questioned. "With who? Did she get hurt or something? Should I pick her up?"

"She's fine, the school called me," he said. "She broke another student's nose."

"It was probably that girl who's been bothering her," Christopher said. "Who cares if her nose is broken."

"Y/n doesn't know how to fight," he said. "Di you teach her how to fight? Why would you teach her how to fight?"

"Would you rather she have gotten beat to a pulp, and her have the broken nose?" he asked, grabbing his phone from the counter. "If you hadn't forced her to move here in the first place then there wouldn't have been people who made fun of her for the way she looks."

"If I didn't make the decision for her to move here then you wouldn't get to spend as much time as you do with her," he said. "But don't go getting her into trouble."

"I am not the one getting her in trouble, and I don't know what you're getting at here," he said.

"You kissed her, and your other friend kissed her," Ushijima was starting to sound irritated, and so was Christopher.

"She didn't kiss that other guy, and so what if I kissed her?" he asked.

"Your infatuation with her is getting in the way of you doing your job," he said. "It's getting her into trouble."

"It's not an infatuation," he said. "And tell me Ushijima, what trouble have I really gotten her into. Making friends? Doing her school work? Getting her to stand up to her bully? Or maybe you're mad because I was being an asshole to her and she ended up falling down the stairs and breaking her leg, with the added bonus of the scar on her face that she's self-conscious about? Oh wait, I didn't do that last one did I?"

"Irrelevant, don't kiss her again," Ushijima said. "And she's grounded."

"You're not the boss of me, and she's not a child you can't ground her, let alone for something as stupid as this," he said. "She's still mad at you, but it's getting better, don't ruin your relationship with her."

"Then you don't kiss her again, she's my little sister, not your little girlfriend," he said. "You aren't allowed to date her, ever."

"Then you aren't allowed to treat her like she's stupid, ever," Christopher said before hanging up.

I'm actually going to fail at school. So I'm going to go and cry again.


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