Blah blah blah

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This is a pile of random stuff that I had to put together since making individual chapters would be too annoying when you guys are reading.
Y/n's pov

"Kei, Kasumi, what the hell are you doing?" I question, squinting my eyes to see them in the dark.

"The baby is moving," Kasumi whispers.

"A lot," Kei adds.

"So you both thought that being creepy and touching my stomach while I was sleeping would be a good idea?" I ask.

"We also read him a book," Kasumi says.

"She's a girl," Kei says.

"Kei I need you to-," I start.

"I just turned the heat off, it'll cool down soon," he says. "Anything else?"

"He's so smart right mom?" Kasumi asks.

"Mhm," I nod my head closing my eyes.

"Are you going back to sleep?" Kei asks.


"Can we wait to go back till the baby stops moving?" Kasumi asks.


"Yes," I hear Kei say to himself.


"Why do you look like that?" Wakatoshi asks.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like you're about to cry," he says.

"I was just remembering this time when I was eight when the nice man from the convenience store let me buy a candy bar with a pile of pebbles I found outside," I sniffle.

"Being pregnant is not helping your mood swings."

"Okay well being ugly isn't helping you bitches problem."

"Tendo is not a dog."

"Well maybe he would be if you started using his first name, I mean holy shit my gu, you've been dating him for years."

"Yes Tsukishima, hurry you need to pick her up now, she's going into labour," Wakatoshi says before hanging up his phone.

"Uh, what the fuck dude," I say. "Are you broken?"

"You were being mean to be, I want him to pick you up," he says.

"And telling him that this baby is coming now is not the way to go about things," I say. "He's gonna speed here and get into a car crash."

"Well, he's not picking up his phone," he shrugs. "I'll text him."

-Three hours later-

"Where the hell have you been Kei," I say once I hear the front door open. "I could've been dying."

"He was busy calling his mother to get him from the police station because he was speeding through the school zone," Akina says.

"Hey mom, some kid almost got hit outside my school today, the guy was in a grey BMW," Kasumi says.

"Don't worry, the girl was fine," I hear Sugawara say.

"And Tsukishima is lucky I'm on the force," Daichi says.

So we've got the whole squad here today?

"I swear to god Y/n, if your deranged husband ever touches my BMW again I'll kill him," I hear an angry Kyoutani.

"I was told that my wife had gone into labour," Kei says. "What did you expect me to do."

"We heard Y/n went into labour."

Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, Atsumu and Sakusa enter into the living room to join the ever growing party.

"Is the baby here yet?" I hear Oikawa say from an open laptop. "Do I need to fly in?"

"Guys!" Dai exclaims standing up from the couch. "Dad just texted me and said that my mom going into labour! I need a babysitter!"

"Azalea is having her baby!" I exclaim. "For real!?"

"Bunny just messaged me," Kasumi says. "Dashi passed out."

"To the hospital," I say. "Everyone get into the BMW."

"We can't all fit into my car, are you all insane?" Kyoutani questions. "We're gonna get pulled over and set to prison."

"It's okay, you'll have a police escort," Daichi says.

-A few hours later-

"Kei, I think I'm on the verge of a breakdown," I say sitting beside him.

"Me too," Bunny says also taking a seat.

Azalea let us into the delivery room and... I thought human life was supposed to be a graceful peaceful thing... I was wrong... so so wrong.

"I don't get it... so small... yet big head... it should not be possible," Bunny shivers. "I can't do this."

"Is it too late to call it quits?" I ask turning to Kei.

"There must b something wrong for us for thinking that getting pregnant would be a good idea," Bunny says.

"Welp, if being pregnant is so bad then I guess that Dai will just have to be the one to get fat when we're old like you guys," Kasumi says.

"We are not old," I say.

"And that's not how it works, Kasumi," Dai says.

"Then I guess you'll just have to grow a eucharist," she shrugs.

"She means uterus... Wait, why does she even know that's what he needs?" I question.

"She was helping me study for my anatomy class," Shirabu says. "Med school is hard y'know?"

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

"I'm in med school, I get to be in hospitals and wear this coat without an explanation," he says. "Anyways, he's concussed."

"The baby?" Bunny questions. "And it's a boy?"

"Huh?" he looks at her confused. "What baby? Because I'm talking about the blonde only friend. He passed out and hit his head earlier, he just got up."

"Then what about Azalea?" I ask.

"It's a girl," I look over to see Marigold standing with a baby. "Someone take it, I'll be back for her when she's fifteen. I have a feeling she'll be good for business."

Okay, I'm off to bed since it's nearly 3 am where I live.


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