Ukais shop

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Y/n's pov

"I give up," I sigh. "I guess pussy isn't talented even though it does cartwheels."

"Don't give up," Azalea says.

"Yeah just keep going," Bunny says. "It's easy."

Lemme give ya'll some context, it's now April and two weeks ago Bunny and Azalea found out that there were both pregnant, and I want to be pregnant too because our kids need to be a nice group of friends when they grow up.

"Did you talk to any of your family?" Azalea asks.

"And ask them why I've been raw dogging it for like ever and I'm still not cursed with a child?" I ask. "I think I'd rather die than tell my family that I'm trying for a baby."

"Well does Tsukishima even know that you're trying to have a baby with him?" Bunny asks.

"Nah," I shrug. "It's gonna be a surprise for him."

"Have y'all been doing it enough?" she asks. "Because maybe that's the problem."

"Oh come on, I'm married to Kei, the one who would run off to the school bathroom after seeing me do a stupid dance," I laugh. "Of course we are."

"You sure?" she asks.

"I am perfectly sure," I say.

"Is this your pack of pregnancy tests?" Azalea asks holding up a box.

"Yep, I got the value pack," I say. "From costco."

"Y/n..." Bunny pauses. "I hate to tell you this, but those are ph strip tests."

"Uh..." I pause. "I knew that."

"You idiot," Azalea laughs. "How did you ever think that those were pregnancy tests?"

"I don't know, I just did," I say. "No one told me, it's not my fault."

"Oh my god, let's go get an actual pregnancy test," she says. "Let's go, so maybe you can stop moping around."

"I am not moping," I say. "I am a responsible adult who is very very mature."


"Why does everyone in my life think that it is socially acceptable to buy this kinda stuff from Ukai's shop?" I ask.

"I don't know," Ukai says. "I ask myself that every day."

"What's the last thing that Kei bought here?" I ask. "Was it sus, or no?"

"He just bought some snacks for Dai and Kasumi before taking them to practice or something," he says.

"Whos the last person to buy something sus from her?" I ask.

"A tie between Sugawara and that guy with the poor dye job," he says.

"Huh? Atsumu is in the area?" I ask.

"No, he just stops by once a week to buy... Never mind, he pays me not to speak about it," he says.

"Fine," I sigh setting my stuff on the counter. "What about Sugawara, what did he buy?"

"Do you really want to know what kind of stuff your daughter's elementary teacher buys?" he asks. "Think about it, do you really want to live with the information I have?"

"Depends," I shrug. "How bad is it?"

"I refuse to sell it to anyone under the age of twenty," he says. "And I'd never ever sell it to you, or Hinata."

"Ah, must be rancid then," I say. "I don't want to know, so can ya please ring me up?"

"Just take it," he says. "Early baby shower gift."

"I am not pregnant," I say.

Well, maybe I'm not.

"Oh, well then I'll throw in some wire coat hangers if ya want," he says.

"Nah, I'm good with this test," I say. "Peace, have fun with your girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend," he says.

"I know you love that lady with the big jugs who works at that smoke shop," I say.

"Don't look at other people's jugs, you're married," he says.

"And you're bordering a collapsed lung," I say before leaving.


"Why is there math?" I ask holding up my test. "This makes no sense, do I get nine months free of the devil's flood or not?"

"Guys, our kids are gonna be menaces," Azalea smiles.


"I hope that mine is a girl," Bunny says.

"I'll be back, I need to go eat a slice of cake because now I have an excuse."



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