Follow up from rejected steamy

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Y/n's pov

Well, that was a lovely shower if I do say so myself, way better than the one I have back in my apartment. Anyway, I decided not to go and fall back asleep because I knew that Kei wouldn't be able to fall back asleep since it's the morning. This time around, I'm going to be the best girlfriend I could possibly be, but I'm still never going to do the dishes, ever.

Now, where is Kei while I idly sit in the living room? That is a good question.

"Kei!" I call out. "Where did you go?"

"You're supposed to go to sleep!" he calls back, voice hoarse.

"Are you..." I pause. "Are you crying!?"

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Now I'm off to the kitchen to find him because when Kei cries it makes me want to cry, I'm not going to cry this time though.

"Why are you crying?" I ask, concerned. "What happened?"

"I caught a glimpse of your face," he says once I get to the kitchen. "And it hurt my eyes."

Can't blame him.

"No, for real, why are you crying?" I ask sitting on the counter, so I can look at him properly.

"Am I not allowed to cry?" he asks whipping a tear.

I've never really seen him cry, but the times I have, it was because of me. He doesn't cry loudly, the tears just kinda roll down his cheeks. And I suck at comforting crying people, so I assume this may be a difficult task.

"Sorry, that sounded really douchy," he sighs looking up at the ceiling. "Just ignore me right now."

"I'm not gonna ignore you anymore," I say grabbing his arm. "Come on, tell me why you're crying, please."

"You were supposed to go back to sleep after the shower," he shakes his head, moving close when I tugged on his arm. "So I could have some peace."

"Pretty please tell me what's wrong," I say forcing him into a hug. "No more secrets right? Plus, I won't judge, you've seen me cry dozens of times."

"I can't believe that you are trying to soothe me right now," he says. "It's weird."

"How this weird?" I question. "I'm being a decent human being, a loving girlfriend, are you embarrassed because I saw that you had the same shampoo I used to use in high school, that hasn't been used meaning you probably just sit in your bathroom and smell it?"

"Shut up, I'll push you off of this counter," he says. "And I'm not sad."

"Then what is it, my darling love?" I ask.

"Don't ever call me that again," he says. "And I'm happy, so just cut it out."

"Happy?" I gasp, pulling away. "Kei? My Kei? Is happy?"

"Oh just shut up," he rolls his eyes pushing my head back.

"Tell me Kei, what are you so happy about that could have you sobbing in the kitchen?" I ask. "Hmm?"

"I will say this one time, and one time only," he says. "Don't repeat it, tell anyone, I don't want to hear it, ever."

"Why?" I ask. "It's it sappy and stuff?"

"I'm just overwhelmed that after all this time and whatever, it feels like the same as it always has been, y'know. We both love each other, and this time I can be with you forever," he shakes his head again, slightly embarrassed. "Just happy we're back together."

"I hope you know that I am fighting the urge to treat you like a little sweet flower that I have to protect and keep in my pocket," I smile.

"I hope you know that I am fighting the urge to call Bunny and invite her over to harass you about our sex life," he says. "And I won't stop her either."

"And there goes that urge, moving onto another one," I sigh reaching my hands out. "So they are squishy."

"What the hell," he says grabbing my hands, pulling them away from his chest. "What was that for?"

"I wanted to know if your pecks were squishy now that you've bulked up or whatever, and I was not disappointed," I laugh. "Also, why didn't I get a good reaction from that?"

"Because not everyone gets in the mood when you grope them," he rolls his eyes. "And what did you think they'd feel like?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "Hard I guess."

"Only when I flex," he says. "That's how muscle works, dumbass."

"So can you like, flex your dick?" I ask.

"No, it's not a muscle," he says. "You're stupid."

"Then why does it get hard?" I ask.

"Blood," he sheals his head. "And I'm not explaining you basic anatomy right now."

"But like, can you make it move?" I ask.

"Well yeah, there are muscles at the base... No, never mind I'm not talking about this right now," he says. "I need to stay sane."

"I heard that if you cut a dick off while it's hard, the person will bleed out," I say. "Tragic."

"Yeah, don't even try to imagine it," he shakes his head. "That's disgusting."

"Then shall we talk about how cute you can be sometimes?" I ask pinching his cheeks, trying to be extra annoying.

"Shall we talk about that time my brother walked in on you giving me head and said nothing until the next day when he stopped over by my house?" he asks. "Because I think that since I had to live with the thought of him seeing that then leaving without saying anything, so do you."

"What!?" I screech. "He saw me giving you head?!"

"Calm down, he said that he didn't actually see anything," he says. "But the thoughts still haunt me."

"That's it," I sigh dramatically, leaning forward off the counter. "My life is officially over."

"Relax, one time I walked in on him with his girlfriend," he says. "Never saw vegetables the same again."

"What the hell, why were there vegetables," I ask. "I... Do I even want to know what was happening?"

"I'm screwing with you," he laughs.

"About the vegetables?" I ask.

"He's never seen us doing anything," he says.

"I really hate you for that one," I mutter. "Like, a lot."

"Yeah, sure you do," he scoffs. "I wish I had taken a picture of your face."

"I hope you take a tumble down the stairs," I say. "And you won't have the luxury of having an office chair with wheels like the malnourished discount Levi."

Man I have too much stuff in my drafts.


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