Rejected Tsuki path pt. 2

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Y/n's pov

"Hi Akina," I smile once she opens the door. "I was wondering if you could take Kasumi for the night, or maybe even the weekend."

"Of course sweetie, I always love having my favourite granddaughter around," She says. "Akiteru is in the kitchen."

"Oh great," Kasumi says as I set her down. "It's Friday too, he got his paycheck today. Mom I'll see you later, love you. Tell dad I love him too."

"Yeah, I will," I smile waving her off. "Love you."

"Did you and Kei have an argument or something?" she asks once Kasumi was out of earshot.

With this situation and all, I don't really want to talk about it until I know what I'm going to do. I mean, I really don't want to loop everyone possible into things like this.

"I just had a really stressful day at work today, it ran later than usual," I sigh running my hands through my hair. "And Kasumi bounces around, and I just want a night alone to relax with Kei."

Yeah, a nice relaxing night with Kei, totally.

"I get you," she smiles. "Next time tell Kei to come up to the door instead of him lounging in the car."

"Yeah, of course," I laugh. "See you."

"Bye dear," she says waving at me as I turn to walk back to the car.

"What did you say to her to make her so happy?" he asks.

"I just told her that I had a long day at work, Kasumi was hyper and I just wanted to relax and stuff," I say. "Next time come up to the door, she thinks we were arguing."

"Well aren't we?" he asks. "Because you said that we were."

"That doesn't mean I want to go around telling everybody," I say. "Do you want me to tell everybody that we're in a fight, and put it all on blast?"

"We're not in a fight," he says glancing over at me before looking forward back to the road. "Who said that we're in a fight?"

"You're clearly angry, and you're being extremely passive-aggressive," I say. "So yeah, this is basically a fight."

"You being pregnant is not something that we have to fight about," he says. "It's just a baby."

"I'm stressed about this Kei," I say. "This is why I didn't want to tell you, I knew that you were gonna be like this."

"Like what?" he asks.

"You're angry at me," I say. "And I obviously don't like it when you're mad at me."

"I never said that I was mad at you," he shrugs.

"You don't need to say it for me not to know," I say. "I'm not stupid."

"Well so what if I'm mad?" he asks. "I can't control it."

"Tell me what part you're mad about," I say.

"The whole situation," he says.

If you know Kei, which I do, you know that he's stubborn and isn't necessarily afraid of confrontation. But if you know me, you already know how I deal with things like this. I dip.

"Take me to Christopher's please," I say.

"Of course you want to go to Christophers," he rolls his eyes, not even looking over to me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Does he know you're pregnant?" he asks.

"No," I say. "You're the only one who knows, asshole."

"Wow I'm to didn't even tell him," he says. "Wow, I feel so honoured to be the first to know."

"I shouldn't have told you," I shake my head. "I could've dealt with this on my own."

"Yeah, not when you get a huge stomach," he says.

"I already told you that I don't want to keep the baby," I snap. "I only told you because the doctor would've told you and I didn't want you to be even madder at me."

"So what were you gonna do?" he asks. "Fly out somewhere and get an abortion?"

"I thought about it, but either way you'd find out," I say. "So there was no point in that at all."

"Why don't you want to keep that baby?" he asks. "Why can't we?"

"Because," I say. "Because."

"That's not an answer," he says.

"Because I can't, I need to talk to someone," I say. "Okay? Is that good enough for you?"

"And that person is Christopher?" he asks. "Right?"

"Then take me to go and see Marigold because apparently, I can't talk to anyone in life," I say. "Go, take me to the cafe if you're so concerned about who I talk to."

"I'm not saying that," he says.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," I say. "I need to think things over, and you can do the same."

"Y/n, I-." he starts.

"No, no more talking," I say. "We're gonna start yelling and I don't want to yell."

"I'm not going to yell at you," he says.

"Yup, but I might," I say cradling my head in my hand. "And if I yell at you, you're going to yell, and so on. So no more talking until tomorrow."

Your mom.


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