convenience store

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"Hey, could you pass me those?" Tsukishima asked, placing his other items on the counter.

"Shopping for Y/n?" Ukai asked, looking down at all the snacks and beverages.

"Uh, yeah," he nods his head. "I just need that stuff, behind the counter too."

"Cigarettes?" Ukai asks, confused. "Is Tanaka trying to get you to try to get me to sell you some?"

"No, I don't want the cigarettes," Tsukishima says. "I just need that stuff."

"What?" Ukai is clearly not getting the point. "What stuff."

"The small bottle and the two boxes, please," Tsukishima says.



"Why'd you have to buy them here?" Ukai sighs grabbing the box of condoms off the shelf.

"They're cheap here" Tsukishima mutters as Ukai starts to ring up his items. "I need a plan b too."

"What for?" Ukai asks. "You're already getting condoms."

"Because I don't want to be a teen dad if the condom breaks," he pauses. "And I don't want to talk about this stuff with you."

"You're the one who walked into my shop," he says. "You could've gotten these anywhere else."

"My mom has friends everywhere, please just take my money," Tsukishima says holding out his cash. "Please."

"Okay, okay," Ukai says.

"And don't mention this to anyone," Tsukishima says.

"Why on earth would I want to talk about my player's sex life?" Ukai asks. "It's enough that I had to hear Dachi..."


"You can have all your stuff for free," he said handing him the bag. "I need to smoke a pack."

"Okay, thanks I'm leaving now," Tsukishima says leaving the store promptly.

I'm so tired.


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