Rejected Tsuki path pt. 4

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Y/n's pov

"Marigold, I changed my mind," I say. "I don't want to go home, I don't want to talk to Kei."

"In marriage, there are going to be arguments, all healthy relationships have arguments," she says. "And if they don't, they're fake."

"I don't like having adult conversations, his face can be scary too," I say. "He's intimidating, it's not fun."

"Life isn't always fun, and I'm sure he feels terrible for having a fight," she says. "And I think that it's good the both of you had a fight, it's healthy. Communication is key."

"What if he's still mad at me?" I ask. "What if wants to break up with me?"

"You're overreacting, nothing bad is going to happen, he's not going to get mad and leave you, you're fine," she says. "Take a deep breath, put on your big girl pants, walk up there and tell him what's good. He'll apologize, then you'll apologize, there will probably be some laughs, and maybe tears. I've known the both of you since you were in high school, I've seen both of you cry and act like big babies, you both will be fine."

"If I call you just assume a crime has been committed," I say. "Wish me luck."

"No luck is needed, you've dealt with worse," she says.

She's right, I just need to put on my baddie shoes.


Okay, but it's still scary.

"Y/n, is that you?" his voice sounded panicked as he barreled down the stairs, he looked like shit.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. "Have you slept?"

"I never want to fight with you again," he says pulling me into a soul-crushing hug.

Okay, so maybe he's taken the short-lived fight worse than me.

"I'm sorry, and I love you and I'm tired and... And I'm still sorry," he says. "And I was stupid, I don't want to be angry at each other."

He feels really bad, and that makes me feel bad.

"Kei, you're squishing me," I say. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"That doesn't matter, the fight is stupid and I don't care what you chose to do, I'll sign anything," he says.

So, Kei plus lack of sleep takes away any salt he has, good to know I guess. But his change of demeanour really makes me wanna cry, in a good way, I mean how did I get this man?

"I'm not mad anymore," I mumble, and it seems that's all I had to say to make him relax.

Note to self, tell Kei your mad at him and he'll basically do anything, good to know... So he really does feel things.

"Good," he sighs pulling away and walking over to flop on the couch. "So what now?"

"Kei, you definitely need to get some sleep," I say sitting beside him. "You look exhausted."

"I'm fine," he says pulling me close. "You should go to sleep."

"Looks like someone can't live without me," I laugh.

"Just up," he mutters pinching my leg. "We still need to talk you know."

"I know that," I say.

"So when do you want to go to the clinic or whatever?" he asks. "A

I don't want to tell him the risk factors, so that's why I made the choice too...

"Kei, I'm keeping the baby."

Yeah we're gonna pretend like I never wrote these chapters.


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