🍋Rejected steamy Tsukishima🍋

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This was the first makeup steamy chapter before I changed my plan. The first plan was for Kasumi to be set to a home, Y/n was sad, Tsukishima was still her neighbour and then she stayed at his house.

It had been a week, a week since Tsukishima had shown up at the park when she was crying. A whole week she had stayed in his apartment, in his bed, with him of course. Apologies were dealt, and forgiveness granted, in hindsight everything was going along just fine in regards to their relationship.

Both of them had already assumed that this was the point they'd resume their romantic relationship with each other. A relationship that both of them regretted damaging greatly.

Of course, there was still going to be that tension after being apart for so long. The sexual tension. As she lay in his arms in nothing but his shirt and her underwear every night, him wearing some loose-fitting shorts that almost hung too low, not that she minded. That's how their sleep would go, him holding her close, not wanting her to disappear. Though he was already awake and showered by the time she came around, today was different.

When she woke up it was early, the sun spilling in from the curtains that remained drawn. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, back to her. There was no denying the fact that he had bulked up, his back muscles were toned but that's to be expected from a professional athlete. But god did she love looking at him, even his longer hair that curled slightly had her in awe.

Judging by the fact his glasses lay untouched on the nightstand, she could only assume he had just woken up himself.

So she leaned over to grab them, crawling over and wrapping her arms around him from behind. Her head rested on his shoulder and her chest pressed against his back as she gently put his glasses on for him.

"And here I was thinking I'd get some peace and quiet," he grumbled turning his head to look at her. Her hair was all messy and she still looked sleepy, as if she could turn over and fall right back asleep if she really wanted to. But despite his almost annoyed attitude, he had a slight smile just from looking at her, before giving her a quick peck to her lips.

"Good morning, Kei," she smiled back at him lazily. Of course, she hadn't forgotten about Kasumi, but she's with a family that's more stable than she could ever be, so she tried to push away that thought. It really was for the best.

"Gross, you have morning breath," he said replacing his almost delighted facial expression with that of disgust.

"As if you don't," she rolled her eyes, not moving away from him.

"I have a mint, dumbass," he briefly stuck out his tongue to show off the mint.

"Then let me have a mint too," she said loosening her arms so he could get up and grab them if they weren't already with him.

"The last ones in my mouth," he said gently pushing her back onto the bed, resting his head on her chest and wrapping his arms underneath her. He still had to hold some of his weight us as not to squish her, but he didn't mind. He'd never tell her but this was by far one of the most conformable and relaxing ways for him to cuddle her. But he could only ever do it while both of them are awake, he really didn't want to end up suffocating her or something.

"Fine, then I need to go and brush my teeth," she said running her fingers through his hair. "Since my breath stinks so bad."

He lifted his body up slightly just enough so his lips could catch hers. Tongue immediately pushing past her lips, giving her a strong taste of mint. She kissed him back, pushing her face up toward his.

Tsukishima had tried to stay away from strong kisses that could lead to somewhere more as he wasn't sure how fast he could resume their previous romantic relationship. But he just couldn't resist even a small make-out session.

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