What if Y/n went to Shiratorizawa highschool?

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Y/n's pov

"Hey Marigold," I say walking into the cafe.

Ah yes, my summer job from high school, I haven't been here in a hot minute. Let's see... I worked here the summers when I was sixteen all the way till I was nineteen, I'm twenty now and life is surprisingly good.

"It's not the summer yet," she says. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not working in the summer this time around, I just moved back from the states since I'm graduated now," I smile. "Great job, great life, just came here, just got off my plane an hour ago."

"And you chose to come here?" she asks. "What low standards."

"I'm meeting someone here," I say.

"Oh great, are the people you meeting those fools over there?" she asks, motioning her hand.

"Y/n!" Oh Bunny, I've missed you.

"Ah, you didn't tell me you were coming," Azalea says running over to me.

And Azalea missed you too.

"Sorry guys," I laugh pulling them in for a hug. "Woulda called but I just got back, and my phone died while I was watching Shrek."

"Sounds like you," Azalea laughs pulling away. "You remember my boyfriend and his friend right?"

"Yep," I nod my head. "Sundae with extra strawberry syrup, and a slice of strawberry shortcake and a vanilla shake for the bean pole."

"You got it," Yamaguchi, I think his name was said.

"Kinda weird that you remembered our orders," Tsuki, or Tsukishima says.

"Kinda weird that out of the three years you've been ordering the same thing," I retort. "And your name is Tsukishima, right?"

"Yeah, not that you need to know it," he says.

"Nice to officially meet you too," I laugh.

"Sure," he says. "You're Y/n, right?"

"Don't act like you don't know her name," Bunny laughs.

"A first name basis, wow," I say joking.

"That's what you were on your name tag, so that's what I'll call you," he says.

"Oh yeah," I nod my head.

"Dumbass," he mutters.

"Who you calling dumbass, four eyes?" I question.

"You used to wear glasses, don't act like you didn't," he says.

"Wow," I nod my head. "Sounds like you're pretty obsessed with me, care to explain mister?"

"There is a long list of girls to faun over before I'd turn to you," he rolls his eyes.

"Y/n, you should come out for lunch with us," Azalea says. "I'm sure it's fine with Bunny and Dashi, you fine with it Tsukishima?"

"Oh, he's fine with it," Yamaguchi chimes in.

"Ew no, don't bring her," he says. "Unless you really have to."

"I think ima have to take a rain check on that," I say. "Friday works better, I've got lots of plans for tonight. I'm meeting someone here."

"Okay, Friday it is," Bunny says. "I'll drag Issei with me, I've got rather big plans with him tonight."

"Oh, big dick Issei," I laugh. "I missed him."

"Whos' dick are you talking about?" he asks walking in. "And the next time I have to find out that you're moving back early from your brother, your paying."

How kind he is.

"It's finals, and your birthday this week, I didn't want to bother you too much," I laugh. "Calm down bowl cut."

"No way, does Y/n really have a secret boyfriend?" Bunny asks. "I thought she was single, what the hell."

"He's private," I say. "Not a secret. We got together in first year, broke up with him once before I left but he flew out to california."

"Oh, we've seen him before, when we went against Shratorizawa in first year," Yamaguchi says. "You remember Tsuki."

"Nope, not at all," he says.

"Anyway, you guys can catch up later, I'll drag Kenjiro with me on Friday," I say linking my arm with his. "See you guys."

"Mm, Kenjiro," Azalea says. "Nice name."

"Shirabu is fine," he says turning away with me.

"Or crooked bangs," I laugh.

"Do not," he says moving his arm to wrap it around my waist.

"Not like you're gonna do anything about it," I laugh.

"Just wait and see."

What else should I do? Like What if Y/n _____. Anything like that, it was fun. Add in any schools too if ya want, or if she never met someone, or if she grew up differently.


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