IDUY || Date pt. 4

401 23 7

Y/n's pov

"Oh my god, that was the best thing ever, in my life," I say. "Wasn't that fun Kei?"

"I can't tell, we went down that thing eight times," he says.

"Let's go one more time," I say. "Please."

"No my jacket is all wet and your shirt is- Did you bring a jacket with you?" he asks taking off his own.

"No, I didn't," I say. "Why?"

"I can see your bra through your shirt," he says. "Put my jacket on."

"It's wet Kei," I say. "I'll be freezing, were leaving anyway it's fine."

"I just don't like when people look at you," he says. "Well, when old creepy guys look at you."

"Just relax Kei," I say grabbing his hand. "I'm not going to wander off without you, it's fine. Besides Bunny said that we could catch a ride with her. But we'll have to squish, since she's with Big dick Issei, Toru, Iwa, and Maki. You good with that?"

"Yeah that fine," he says. "Are they here?"

"Yup, well just meet them in the parking lot," I say, "But we need to buy a thing of Mini donuts first. I've got money."

"Okay," he says. "Then let me carry your bag."

What a gentleman, don't make me fu- nevermind.


"Hi guys," I say crawling in the car after Kei, sitting in his lap since there's no room. "Long time no see."

"Y/n my dear, have you missed me?" Oikawa asks. "I came here all the way from my house just to be your chaperon."

"Wow, I am so happy," I say. "That you took your precious time out of your schedule to pick us all up."

"I mean I did come here to see my dear Iwa-chan, but you get it," he says.

"Y/n, it's nice to see you again," Bunny says. "Your can your small tits, you're fooling no one with that bra."

"It's not a push-up," I say. "It's a normal one."

"Bull shit," she says. "Proof."

"Proof here," I say lifting up the back of my shirt. "Kei, read the tag, it's on the inside, it was what kind of bra it is."

"It's a training bra," he laughs.

"It is not," I say swatting away his hand. "Read what is say or I'm taking it off and showing it to everyone"

"Fine," he sighs. "It says that it's a t-shirt bra."

"See everyone," I say. "T-shirt bra."

"Wear a bralette next time," Bunny says. "They'll disappear."

"Stop bullying me guys," I say. "Now take us to Kei's house."

"Didn't your brother say he was going out later?" Kei asks quietly.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Uh... My mom has to work in the morning and I know you're going to be talking loudly, so I don't want to wake her up," he says. "So if we stay at yours then she'll be fine."

"Yeah that fine, but I don't think he'll be gone till later," I say. "Okay, off to my house."


"Hi Wakatoshi, we're back," I say walking inside. "Tendo, nice to see you here."

Tendo, say nothing, say nothing, say nothing.

"You guys look like you had fun," Tendo smiles.

I swear to god.

"I mean you guys are soaked in water," Tendo says. "I love that ride."

"Yeah it was fun," I say. "Really fun."

"Y/n you should go get changed, you'll be too cold in wet clothes," Wakatoshi says.

"Yeah, I will, come on Kei," I say.

"Tsukishima doesn't need to go with you," he says.

"Wakatoshi, he needs to change too," I say. "We were both on the ride."

"Separate," he says. "You guys can change separately please."

"Yes fine," I say. "I'll be quick."

"Back in the living room after," he says. "On the couch."

Okay Tendo, what have you been telling this guy? It's not like we're going to do anything tonight.


"Wakatoshi, aren't you going out tonight?" I ask, now sitting on the couch with Kei, in dry clothes. "Or are you just going to sit there like a statue for the rest of the night?"

"Yeah Waktoshi, aren't we going to the dorms, play some late-night volleyball," Tendo says.

"Okay fine," Waktoshi says. "We will see you two later."

"Bye," I smile.

Brielle is doing the next chapter. So we know how that will go.


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