What if Yamaguchi didn't 'praise' her Shrek monument?

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Y/n's pov

"Is anyone here in a sports club?" I ask, annoyed. A few people raise their hands.

"What are you doing?" my teacher asks.

"A selection test, so please allow me to do my work. There's only about a minute left," I say as I pull out my phone and open to a photo of the Shrek shrine I made.

"When you see the photo tell me your opinion of it," I say and start showing it to the people who raised their hands.



"Waste of time."

"You people are so uncultured," I groan. "You," I hold up the phone to a boy with dark green hair and freckles. He looks scared out of his mind.

"Uh, I don't know," he says.

"Ugh, fine," I say pocketing my phone and walking back to my seat. "But I'm not getting detention, you said that I wouldn't."

"You cannot just do what you want in class just because," she says. "I'll have to call your mother."

"No, don't call my mom," I say. "You said no den detention, and you're the one who started talking to me in the middle of class."

"Just please be quiet," she says. "I need to assign partners for the project."

"Then who's my partner?" I ask.

"You can do it yourself," she says. "Since you have all that time to think about nonsense."

"That's not fair," I say. "You can't do that."

"I can," she says. "And that's just what I'm doing right now."

"That's stupid," I say slumping back into my seat as the bell rings. "I hate school."

"Then finish up early," she says, turning to give out everybody a partner.


They called my mother, those fuckers. I had to stay late at school to have a meeting with her over the phone, I've never wanted to shoot myself more at that moment. And of course, Wakatoshi is running later because he had to pause in practice because of me. His coach made him run more laps.

"Why are you waiting outside school all depressed, we're you seriously crying about not getting a partner?" oh great, the blond asshole who's always talking to Yamaguchi in class.

"No, just go away," I say. "I got in trouble."

"What, is your mom gonna ground you?" he asks, laughing.

"One more fuck up and I was screwed," I shake my head grabbing my bag. "So, long."

"You're acting like you're going to die," he says.

"Might end up in Tokyo, the states, maybe even Korea," I shrug. "Bye-bye."

"You're joking, right?" he asks.

"I wish," I laugh. "But if I'm going, then I zebras have striped."

"But they do," he says.

"Oh, then not zebras, black bears," I say. "Anyway, peace."

"Ushijima Y/n, I was in a very important meeting you know that?" oh shit, the beast has arrived via the train.

"Mom, I'm sorry," I say. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

"And who is this boy?" she asks grabbing me by the arm. "You should be working on school, not fooling around."

"I'm not," I say. "I promise."

"You should not be disrupting the class," she says. "You are giving the Ushijima name a bad reputation, what's wrong with you?"

"Um, she was actually doing quite the opposite," the blonde kid says.

"And who are you?" my mom asks. "It's Tsukishima."

"It's Tsukishima," he says.

"Who are you to Y/n?" she questions. "Are you her boyfriend? She is not allowed to date, she only causes problems. She disrupted class."

"Sorry, that was my fault... We were paired up for our economics project and I started asking her questions about it. I figured since she has a mother who's directly in the field she could help," he says. "My bad, that teacher can be pretty rude sometimes."

"Y/n?" she asks turning to me.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I just got excited because I love business," I say. "I'm sorry, I won't disrupt the class again, I'm sorry."

"Don't let it happen again," she says letting go of me. "I don't want to be pulled out of a meeting again, do you understand me?"

"Yes, I do, I'm sorry," I say nodding my head. "It won't happen again, I'm sorry."

"It better not," she says leaving us alone to go back to her car.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

"Because," he shrugs. "I can."

"If she asks the school she's gonna know you lied and she'll be angry," I say.

"If she can't be bothered enough to pay attention to you, I doubt she'll call the school," he scoffs pausing. "Sorry, that was kinda rude."

"No, it's fine, it's true," I say. "Don't worry about it, thanks, really."

"We are actually partners for the project," he says. "Just don't get in my way during it and we'll be fine."


"And don't wait outside, it's supposed to rain," he says turning away. "You can wait in the gym if you get sick we won't be able to the project done."

"What gym?" I ask.

"Boys volleyball," he says. "And as payment, you can clean up after, I don't want to do it."

"Deal," I smile. "Only if I can listen to my music."

"No, it's probably ass," he says.

"Hey, the only ass I like is Roblox ass," I say following behind him.

"You're actually disgusting," he says. "Just be quiet."

"Freedom of speech," I say. "I'll say what I want."


There, in this path, she'd actually end up being more honest with him lol moment. Blame her depression on Yamaguchi.


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