🍋Steamy Christopher🍋

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@Brielle_Iris_04 has produced yet another chap, when does it take place idk. But she asked if it was okay to put up here, and knowing y'all, you probably don't mind.

Hi guys! I don't want to waste too much time with introductions but my names Brielle and I'm kinda new to writing. I wrote the other two samples and this is just another one I had written. I just want to make sure what I can write is good enough for you guys before Crouton considers actually adding it into a story maybe. Anyways, I don't want to babble too much so here is a Christopher chapter!

She truly thought he had forgotten their awkward moment at the hotel, but alas it was still on his mind as much as it was on hers. Maybe he wasn't as interested as she was, because hell, all she could think about for the past week was his large figure looming over her. But any doubts she had quickly washed away when he gently pushed her up against his apartment door the moment he had closed it.

She let out a surprised gasp which was muffled by his colliding lips, not that she minded based on the way she immediately dropped her small bag only to wrap her arms around the back of his neck. Meanwhile, his free hand swept across the door until it found the lock, the last thing he wanted was any interruptions. Once he was able to move his hands freely, he wasted no time securing his hands behind the back of her thighs to lift her up.

"Christopher," she sighed, tangling one hand in his as he placed gentle kisses down her jaw. "Your room."

"Hmm Bird, why would we need to go there?" he asked in a low voice, lips brushing just below her ear. "We're just kissing."

She was fully aware that he was trying to tease her, obviously aware of how much she wanted him at this moment. As much as Y/n had always tried to cover up what she was feeling, knowing her this long pretty much guaranteed he had some idea of what was going. And knowing that just made her all the more embarrassed, anytime she'd stare at him he most likely knew just what sinful things she was thinking.

"You know what I want," she buried her face in the crook of his neck, nipping lightly at the skin.

"And what is that Bird?" he had a smirk plastered on his face. "Don't be shy, speak up a bit."

"Don't tease me right now," her head lifted so she could look lazily into his eyes. "Can't I get a free pass tonight, just tonight, please? You can tease me another time, I promise."

As much as he had an effect on her, she was fully aware that she could easily have the same on him. And that lazy look combined with her soft voice was enough for him to want to cut to the chase and turn her lazy look into a breathless red mess.

As much as he had an idea in his head of what he really wanted to do with her, he wanted to still be mindful. Never would he ever want to push her too much and make her feel uncomfortable, he still needed to get a feel of what she liked in the bedroom. And he was also aware that getting her to verbalize just want she wanted would most likely end with her embarrassment.

Soon enough she felt herself being gently set down on his bed, soft pillows cradling her head. Her legs, which were still wrapped tightly around his waist didn't budge until Chritphers hand snaked down to pry them off of himself. He sat up only to pull off his shirt and help her out of her hoodie, since they had been on a plan prior to the current events taking place she didn't bother to put one on, not that he had any complaints.

"Don't look at me like that," trying to wiggle out of her sweat pants. "Bras are uncomfortable."

"Oh I'm not complaining," he laughed as he leaned over to trail kisses down her neck and to her chest.

The last time they had been in this situation, he'd taken a mental note of how sensitive her nipples were, and he planned on fully taking advantage of that. Licking over the bud along with sucking caused a few unwanted moans on her part to slip past her lips. Like last time, she focused on pulling his hair back so it wasn't in front of his face, so it wasn't blocking his face from her.

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