Bunny's backstory pt. 1

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Y/n's pov

When Bunny was younger, many assumed that she had a perfect life. A nice house, nice clothes, and wealthy parents, and nowadays opinions haven't really changed. Sure when she meets new people and they eventually find out about her upbringing it's sad, but she's happy with her life now, just the way it is. She's got a boyfriend that loves her, friends that understand her, and her school is going just fine, and she's happy.

But she wasn't born with her friends surrounding her whole life, she was born in a private hospital, some would say she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. They'd surely think differently if they lived with her.

Her mom, who had been married multiple times before had had a troublesome time trying to conceive a baby. And only when her mom had a one-night stand with a bar owner did she actually fall pregnant.

Not that her current husband minded, as he too had been sleeping around. They were just happy to have been granted a baby boy, someone they could mould into the perfect person to run their company.

But when she was born the room was silent, complete silence consumed everything. You'd think that her mother, as well as a stepdad, were filled with shock because their baby was bluer than it was pink, and not a single cry slipped past its lips. But because the son they had been hoping for was not in fact a son, but a daughter.

She was immediately rushed away for the doctors to tend to her, and you'd think that her parents would be thrilled to see she was just fine. When she came wailing back into the room, eyes shut and hands looking for something to hold onto.

"Get that thing away from me," her mother spat. "Feed it or something."

Not even an hour into this world and someone already wanted her out, from then on her mother held a grudge against her. Not wanting to look at the child she had labelled a mistake, all because she wasn't the son she wanted. She didn't even bother to give a name to suit a cute baby girl.

"Mrs. Nakamura, are you certain this is what you'd liken to name your daughter?" the nurse asked.

"Are you blind woman, that's what I wrote," she said. "Have it processed."

And having a boy's name was something that she was sure to be picked on for, not that she ever heard it much. People opted for the Nakamura's daughter, that girl, or some sick nickname given to her by a school bully.

Her mother had seen her as something that tainted the family name even though she hadn't done anything. Despite the way she felt about her daughter, she was sure to maintain the image.

The Nakamura family was a powerful name in Japan, not as powerful or rich as some of the others, but that's where they wanted to be.

"Mom, please can I get this?" her daughter pleaded, holding up a pink frilly dress. "I'll be good, please mom."

The girl was young, and all she wanted was a dress, and money was not the issue. It was her mother's view that stood in her way.

"How many times do I have to tell you," her mother said taking away the dress. "Dresses are for little girls, not for little boys."

The girl knew better than not to argue.

"Do you want to end up like that other little girl? All alone in that school, can't even see her brother?" she asked, referring to a conversation she had with another person of great social standing in Japan. "That little girl doesn't have a mother or a father, a bigger mistake than you my dear."

The girl rarely spoke back to her mother, knowing that the sweet voice she put on in public wasn't real. But somehow she still tried to savour the moments her mother actually spoke to her.

She'd heard stories of how little girls were sent off to schools, away from their family to teach them how to act. And maybe that's why she never complained when her hair would be chopped because in her mind she already had an image in her head about how little girls were treated. Maybe being seen as her mother's little boy would somehow make things better.

It wasn't until she reached middle school did she finally understand just how much her mother actually resented her only child.

Y'all wanted a Bunny backsotry.


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