This was the chapter I was gonna put out || JLMUY

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Y/n's pov

Just where I thought this no good asshole would be, sitting on the bench reading a book with nothing but dim light spilling over the pages.

"And here I was thinking I'd get some peace," he says closing his book.

"No, fuck you," I say taking his book.

I make an attempt to rip it in half, but I fail. So I resort to tossing it into the snow and stomping on it a few times.

"Wow, so mature," he rolls his eyes.

"And fuck you again," I say taking his glasses. "You don't get to treat me like I'm useless, and stop projecting your own insecurities onto me."

"I don't want to talk to you," he says. "And give me my glasses back."

"No, I'm mad at you," he says. "I don't even want to talk to you either."

"Then don't," he says standing up. "Break up with me then."

"Fuck you," I say.

But I have spoken to a true bad bitch, so yes, I grabbed his leg making him fall into the snow.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he questions.

"Look Kei, it's not fun when people look at you like your nothing," I say. "So get up."

"No, you're just gonna go crazy and push me back down," he says. "Leave me alone."

"No, I'm gonna leave you alone," I say kicking snow onto him. "Get up Kei, get up."

So yes, when he went to get back up I grabbed his leg again, causing him to fall over back into the snow.

"See, I knew it," he says. "You're crazy, just go away."

"You go away," I say kicking snow at him once again. "If you hate it so much then leave."

This went on for another three rounds.

"Jesus fucking christ just stop it," he says. "Go away, I don't like you right now."

"Yeah, you don't like me right now, but you love me," I say. "If you didn't you woulda pulled me down in the snow and left."

"And deal with you crying like a baby, never," he says. "So stop it."

"If you hate it so much then break up with me then," I say. "Do it Kei, do it, break up with me if I'm so annoying. Do it, break up with me."

"I'm not gonna break up with you!" he yells.

"Why not!" I yell back. "Do it Kei!"

"I won't!"

"Do it!"

"Shut up, Y/n!"

"Why won't you just break up with me!"

"Because I know I don't deserve you!" he yells before going back to a normal volume and dropping his head into his hands. "Just leave me alone right now, Y/n."

"Get up," I say nudging him with my foot.

"Piss off," he says.

"Fine Kei," I sigh. "You leave me no choice."

I know he's crying, and I'm not good with that kind of stuff.

"Jesus Christ, stop taking off your clothes," he says looking up. "Do you want to freeze and die?"

"No, fuck you," I say pulling off my shirt and tossing it onto the bench with my jacket.

Next up, shoes, and it only took till I got down to my bare feet for him to get up and force me onto the bench before wrapping me in my jacket.

"You're gonna get sick now-," he starts before I pull him by the hair towards me.

"I get that you're insecure, but I'm not going to break up with you Kei," I say. "You're the only guy I love and that's not gonna change, we'll argue and have fights. But just because we do doesn't mean you're a bad person."

He's quiet when he cries.

"I'm sorry for dismissing you," he mumbles. "And I do understand you, even when I say I don't. I just don't want you to leave me. I mean I'm crying all over you right now, and I ruined your Christmas just because I'm stupid."

"We've both done stupid things," I say. "So don't do stupid things even when we fight, don't you want to set a good example for our children?"

"So you're saying that we'll have more children together?" he asks.

"Shut up Kei," I say. "I need a ring first, but if you keep being stupid and trying to self-sabotage then that's never gonna happen."

"Can we just talk tonight?" he asks.

"Yeah, that was the plan," I say.

"Good," he says pulling away from my hug. "I just need to talk to you."

"Okay, but we should go home first before I actually die."

Yeah so the new years eve chapter only went out because I didn't like this one all that much.


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