IDUY || Date pt. 3

406 30 16

Y/n's pov

"Taking you here was a stupid idea," he says. "I should've known how embarrassing this would be."

For once, I'm not even being that bad.

"Oh you calm down," I say sitting beside him on the bench. "Not my fault I'm actually the best person ever. I mean, come on, I'm mesmerizing."

"Yeah whatever," he says, "I don't know why you got so excited over something like this," he says."

"Oh don't act like you didn't know I'd get excited over this," I smile grabbing onto his hand. "I like when you put lots of effort into things."

"I did not," he scoffs. "So stop making weird faces like that."

"And I guess that's why the people at the games recognized you," I say. "Because you totally haven't been spending all your free time here trying to get good at the games of anything."

"So what?" he shrugs. "I like playing games, doesn't mean it was for you."

"Yeah not for me at all," I say holding up a tote bag he won with plush toys in it. "Dumb luck."

"Just be quiet and eat your food," he says.

"Then let go of my hand," I say.

"Give me your bag and eat with that hand," he says holding out his hand. "You only need one hand."

"Kei, I need both hands," I say. "I'll hold your hand after."

"You really don't," he says. "You got fries."

"And I need two hands," I say pulling my hand out of his. "You skinny gofer."

"I don't want you to get kidnapped or wander off," he scoffs.

"Just out your arm around me or something," I say putting both my legs over one of his. "I don't know."

"Fine whatever," he says resting his hand on my leg. "Just eat your food so we can go."

"Nah we still need to go on more rides," I say.

"Yeah so you can scream and hang onto me?" He asks. "Not happening."

"I know you like it," I smile. "You like having fun, and it's impossible not to have fun when you're with one of your favourite people."

"And you said you weren't my favourite?" He asks.

"I was trying to be humble," I say. "And you're being sappy again."

"Shut up, I am not," he says.

Sure you're not Kei, keep telling yourself that.

"Alright then," I say. "So where are we going now? Like what ride I mean."

"I'm taking you home, then I'm going home," he says. "And going to sleep."

"Okay do photo booth, then the water ride then back to your place or mine," I say. "Sounds good?"

"Fine whatever," he says. "Not like I can stop you from doing what you want."

"Okay then," I stand up. "Too the photo booth it is."


Never going to a photo booth again.

"What's the matter Y/n?" Kei asks looking over my shoulder at the photos. "You don't like the photos?"

"I hate you," I say. "I'm burning these."

"No you keep the first, and I'll have the other four," he says taking them from me. "Sounds good?"

"No, no one is keeping the last ones," I say.

In case y'all were wondering what the lovely photos look like, I'll give you a run down.

Photo one: it's normal, he had a very small smile and of course I was smiling. So this ones fine.

Photo two: he had had a nice smile this time, like a really nice one this time. But not me, I looked like I had just seen a ghost. Why you may ask? We'll because he thought it would be a good idea to let his hand go up my shirt like the hoe he was.

Photo three: he decided to pull me onto his lap, and I'm not keeping this photo because I was all red. And he had the smuggest smile ever.

Photo four: let's just say that if the camera showed anymore that from our shoulder up, you'd see my underwear.

Photo five: he was halfway through sucking a hickey onto my neck, slut behaviour.

"Yeah these are nice," he says slipping them into his pocket. "I'll cut off the photo for you later. Now off to that water ride, right?"

"We were supposed to take nice normal photos," I say.

"Fine," he pulls out his phone. "I'll take a photo right now, smile."

"No," I say. "You're a snake."

"I'll even put it on my story so everyone can see how much I love you," he says. "Will that make you less pouty?"

Yes, yes it would.

"Fine," I smile as he kissed my cheek and snaps the photo. "Send it to me."

"No, you can just screen shot it off of my story," he says. "Now hurry up, it's getting late and you wanted to get to that ride."

"Yeah I'm coming," I say.

I'm starting to miss writing cute chaps with Tsuki and Y/n😪.


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