Bunny's backstory pt. 3

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Her self-image still was still not the best, she hadn't been seeing other boys, and she was still confused as to why he was always there with her.

"Kiss me?" she asked. "Why would you want to kiss me? What good would that do?"

No one had really kissed her, not in the ways she saw in movies. No one kissed her the way the boy kissed the girl he loved, so why would that change now. She didn't see the point in the whole kissing, and sparks flying thing.

"Because I want to," he said.

"Then do it," she shrugged.

"Do you want me to?" he asked moving closer, his face was the same it had always been.

"I don't care," she said. "It doesn't bother me."

"I think I like you," he said before pulling her in for a hug instead.

She never really got hugs, but it was nice.

"It's like a blanket," she murmured closing her eyes. "It's nice."

He was painfully aware that anything that he'd try to instigate would work out, and maybe that's why he always found himself in that storage room with her because he didn't want to think about what would happen if he wasn't the one in there with her.

They continued on with their meets ups, the boy seemed to be the only one who was actually thinking about his feelings towards the girl. The feelings she had for him were clearly more than what one would have towards a friend, but she just couldn't put a label on it.

"I'm gonna be coming to this school soon, after summer," she said, once he walked into the storage room for what would be the last time before she was officially a student there herself. "You're my only friend, can you eat lunch in here with me?"

"You can just eat lunch with me and my friends," he said. "Can't come in here during lunch."

"Alright," she said.

"Do you want to play a card game today?" he asked. "Or I could play a show on my phone."

She had been thinking a lot, a lot about him, her dad, and herself, there's a lot she wasn't understanding.

"Can I kiss you?" she asked.

"Go ahead," he shrugged.

Without really thinking about it all that much, she leaned him and kissed him before going back to her previous position.

"Why you said that you thought that you liked me, what did you mean?" she asked.

"I like you in the way that I like you," he said. "Can't compare it to anyone else, because I'm me and you're you, doesn't work that way."

"Then I like you in the way you like me," she said.

"And what way would that be?" he asked.

"The way... The way where you're not better than me, and I'm not better than you," she said. "You like me in the way that you'd rather be in this gross storage room playing stupid card games instead of anywhere else."

"Then yes, I like you that way," he said. "And the word you're looking for is a priority, I see you as a priority."

"Then I want to be the way my dad is with his girlfriend," she said. "Is that okay?"

"Okay, but it's not gonna be the exact same," he said. "It will be the way I'm with you, okay?"

"Yes," she nodded her head.

She didn't want him to leave, and this was her way of getting him to stay. He really did like her and had to fight the urge not to laugh at how little she knew about relationships, it was a big contrast to her overall intelligence.

"But if you're going to be my girlfriend, I'll need to know your name," he said.

That's right, the two of them had never actually exchanged names, not even after all this time.

"It's not a cute name," she said. "Not one for girls, my mom gave it to me."

"I don't care," he said.

"Don't make fun of it," she said. "But my mom named me her daughter, Issei."

"Now that just won't work," he shook his head. "That's the name my mom gave me two, and only one of us can be Issei."

"You're name's Issei too?" she asked surprised.

"Yeah, Matsukawa Issei," he said. "And since I'm older, that means I get to keep it."

"So then what are you gonna call me?" she asked.

"You want a cute name right?" he asked, receiving a nod from her. "Well then it can be Bunny, it's cute, and everybody will know what it is. You won't need to explain anything."

"Bunny," she nodded her head. "That is cute."

"Cute on the outside, but feral on the inside," he said. "So forget about behind called Issei, I'm older so you get stuck with being named after an animal."

"Bunny," she said again. "I like it."

"Oh my god how cute," another voice could be heard on the other side of the storage room door. "Finishing off our first year with a bang."

"I swear to god," a louder voice was heard. "Stop listening in on other peoples conversation's Oikawa, I'll throw you down the stairs."

"I guess you won't have to wait until after summer to meet my friends," Matsukawa said to her. "We better get going, Bunny."

"Yeah," she smiles grabbing his hand. "Let's go."

And done.


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