🍋Double (full version)🍋

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Okay I decided to be nice and let you guys have the full thing that Brielle_Iris_04 wrote.

How she had gotten in that position was beyond her, what were they even doing? And why both of them? Had they talked about it before privately before actually trying to pull any moves? Or was this a spur-of-the-moment decision?

That didn't matter right now, what mattered was the man who was kissing her and the other who was currently marking up her neck with nips and harsh sucking.

She'd thought about her feelings toward both of them separately, and decided that it wasn't fair to pick between them. But she'd never thought that's she'd have both sets of hands roaming her body, it had her cheeks burning hotter than ever.

"Stop hogging her lips," Tsukishima said pushing Christopher's face away from hers, Y/n looked dazed opening her eyes and glancing between the two. "And kiss her property."

"I was kissing her just fine, sorry I don't treat her like a rag doll like you do," Christopher said rolling his eyes at the blond.

They bickered back and and fourth all while riding her of her shirt and bra. She could hear them speaking but wasn't processing any of their words. It was clear now that they had indeed talked about this beforehand, and she didn't know how she felt about that.

"Whatever, she likes things rough anyway, just tell her how pretty she looks," he said angling her face towards his. "You're alright with this right?"

His look immediately softened when he looked at her and asked her that simple question. He was sure that she'd me down with this, him and Christopher both thought she'd be okay with this, they wouldn't have started anything if they didn't. She wasn't really in a position to decline, she was fully exposed from the waist up, not that she would ever dream of letting this opportunity pass by.

"Well aren't you going to kiss me now Kei?" She asked shifting in her spot.

"Yeah Tsukishima, I thought you were going to show her what a real kiss was," Christopher says cupping one of her breasts in his hand, brushing his finger over her nipple. "Or maybe it would be better if I took control of things."

He mumbled a quick 'Shut up' before pulling her in for a sloppy kiss, tangling his hand in her hair. He didn't even need to signal to her that he wanted to slip his tongue into her mouth because her lips parted just enough when a small moan fell past her them, a direct cause from a harsh tug to her nipple from Christopher.

Tsukishima continued to kiss her meanwhile Christopher massaged her breast, sucking on the other one, leaving hickies on the soft flesh. Tsukishimas hand travelled lower, tugging at the waistband of her loose shorts, prompting her to lift her hips just enough so he could pull them down, along with her underwear. Then she pulled away.

"W-why am I the only one here completely naked?" She asked, face burning with what felt like embarrassment. Sure she could feel confident but it's really hard to when you're fully exposed.

"Don't look so nervous, Bird," Christopher laughs tugging off his shirt, "We're getting at that."

"Carry her to the bedroom," Tsukishima said riding himself of his shirt as well. "And don't drop her."

"Don't say it like I would," Christopher rolled his eyes at Tsukishima before leaning over to lift her up off the couch, running his hands more than what was needed to pick her up, earning an annoyed 'tch' from Tsukishima as he trailed behind them.

He was the first to crawl over her once she was settled on the bed, back arching when her cupped her core in his hand, trailing kisses down her chest. She squirmed when his fingers rubbed at her folds, sucking in a sharp breath.

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