Chapter 1: 2 Armies Collide

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At the 7 High Royals Royal Capital's Senate Building  Archduke Reginald is talking to the 7 High Kings of Fallestine about their first lose against Earth's forces.

>Archduke Reginald (Human):
Your Majesties I must regret to inform you all but The Portal situation is a catastrophe! It not only wiped over 3,500,000 of our forces but the forces from the other world has taken over Varduga Plains!

>High King Allan (Human/Angel):
Yes, i believe that our forces guarding The Portal has been evaporated. And the forces of the other side of The Portal are on our doorsteps.

>High King Atlas (Naga/Angel):
Because you see that you can't win every battle in war. But we will not cower in fear and must protect our world at all cost.

And so The Senators are all agreeing of what High King Atlas Said.

>Archduke Reginald (Human):
(They forgot that they decided to attack and push back who evers comes out of The Portal!)

>Senator Gideon (Reptilo):
Excuse me your Highnesses but it took them a few minutes to cause such incredible losses, so much so that it was way faster than what The Chaos Empire could've done! The forces of the other world have already sieze control of both Varduga Plains and The Portal and are establishing three bases in our world! 1 from land, 1 from sea, and 1 from the air! Of course we tried to retake both but it was a complete disaster, we couldn't even get close to them! I never seen such firepower, it was like they were casting fire and iron! But not only none of our forces were able to get close but our magic were powerful but did only little damage on their armies as if they wiped out our Magic Users before they could use their magic--

>Senator Zartan (Reptilo):
We must fight! (Stands up) We must do something that should help us win! Rebuild our armies using their soldiers!

>Senator Shire (High Elf):
But that's Necromancy and it'll only make things worse Senator!

>Senator Zartan (Animan):
He's right, we can't make the same mistake we did the last time we used Necromancy!

>All Senators:
(Talking, Arguing, ETC).

And then High King Gerald (He's Half Human Half Monkey) raised his hand telling them to be silence as he has something say.

>High King Gerald (Animan/Angel):
Listen, we can't wait for matters to worsen just by arguing. So that's why we must unite against the new threat ahead of us. Send messengers to the other kingdoms from each and every continent, tell them we need their help pushing back our new enemy and retaking Varduga Plains.

>All Senators:
(Clapping for such a quick decision).

And then Archduke Reginald walks forward to tell the 7 High Kings of Fallestine.

>Archduke Reginald (Human):
With all due respect your Majesties but i believe Varduga Plains will leave the battlefield littered with corpses of men.

>High King Motaro (Orc):
Well i hope not. Let's just hope and pray to The Elder Gods that we win this war.

7 hours later an Animan King (He's Half Human Half Lion) known as King Kion (Don't Ask) got a report from his scout.

>Animan Scout:
My Lord, i saw 3 enemy scouts 20 miles ahead.

>King Kion (Animan):
Let them be for now, i must go to the gathering of kings.

Later that night at their camp.

>7 Generals of the 7 High Kings:
Good evening your Majesties, We are the assigned generals for you on this assualt, and we brought over 3,500,000 soldiers to help you in this battle.

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