Chapter 2: Obsidian Dark Dragon

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As Bonez goes down to get The Blonde Elf Girl he puts her on his back and his Platoon pulls him up.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
We found a person get her in one of the light trucks now!

Yes sir!

>Colonel Bonez (US):
(Looks at The Blonde Elf Girl on his back) I guess it's not really a "person"?

After getting The Blonde Elf Girl into one of the light trucks Sergeant Major Yang and Master Sergeant Ava had to get her off those wet cloths. Meanwhile at Corporal Kazuya and Colonel Bonez.

>Corporal Kazuya (Japan):
(Happy and filled with excitement) Holy shit an Elf!!! Now that's what i wanted to see in this world!!!

>Colonel Bonez (US):
So you're into elves too?

>Corporal Kazuya (Japan):
(Happy and filled with excitement)
Hell yeah sir!!! Like why wouldn't i be!?!?!?

>1st Lieutenant Ricky (Texas):
(Talks to Yin) I guess everyone likes elves?

>1st Lietenant Yin (China):
(Talks to Ricky) Agree.

Then both Ricky and Yin did a fist bump. A few seconds later Master Sergeant Ava goes to Bonez to tell him The Blonde Elf Girl's conditions.

>Master Sergeant Ava (US):
Sir, her conditions are normal and she'll be able to wake up in a few hours.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Good, but what do we do with her?

>Master Sergeant Ava (US):
Since she lost her family and friends from the fire then i don't know.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Fine then, we'll take her with us and classify her as a refugee.

After investigating the burnt forest 10 minutes later they went back to Woodberry Village and Bonez told the Village Chief everything that happened in the forest. After hearing what happened he told Bonez that they'll be evacuating somewhere were the Dark Obsidian Dragon can never find them. Meanwhile at the outskirts of Woodberry Village an old mage named Ozlo was packing all his books to the cart while his student named Salem (Not the RWBY Kind. Also, anyone can have a name Salem) tells him that he must only get what's necessary or else he'll overload the cart. As he talks about some stuff (the same thing Master Kato from GATE is Talking) Salem used wind magic on Master Ozlo to pay attention.

>Master Ozlo (Dwarf):
(Talking while getting blown away by the air) Hey, magic is the most sacred thing and it should not be use for trivial matters! (Gets blown away).

3 minutes later as they board their cart and are ready to go.

>Master Ozlo (Dwarf):
I guess we'll have to work on that sense of humor of yours.

>Salem (Human) (She's 15):
The reason why is because of your teachings.

As they try to go the cart wasn't moving for being overloaded.

>Master Ozlo (Dwarf):
We're not moving. I don't suppose you overloaded the cart?

>Salem (Human):
You wanted all of your books master.

>Master Ozlo (Dwarf):
(Grabs spell book) Welp, that's a good thing we're Mages, so let's just magic it out.

>Salem (Human):
Magic is the most sacred thing and it should not be use for trivial matters. You're words as i remembered.

>Master Ozlo (Dwarf):
Well? I?

>Salem (Human):
(Grabs spell book) But in this case we're out of options. (Uses gravity spell).

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