Chapter 18: Welcome To The Cedrics

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After Bonez and Rambo (Grim, Salem, Kaliffa, and Shiela were hiding and listening) came back to The GMDF's Land Base as they get a talking to by Major General Akira as He suspends them for 2 weeks as they are both confine from getting back to Fallestine for 2 weeks (Bonez and Rambo already knew the consequences). And the Supreme Commander Steel arrived with an angry look on His face. Then Bonez and Rambo saluted with fear. Until He happily smiled as He says this.

>Supreme Commander Steel (US):
(Happily smiling) Now to recieve your honors!

>Bonez and Rambo:
(Both are shocked) Wait what?

>Major General Akira (Japan):
(Shocked) Sir, did You just say honors?!

>Supreme Commander Steel (US):
(Happily smiling) But first, bring the girls with you both! And then go to my office!

And when Bonez, Rambo, Grim, Salem, Kaliffa, and Shiela went to Steel's office they then saw the honor papers Bonez has recieved and Him and Rambo were shock.

>Supreme Commander Steel (US):
You have a letter of appreciation from The Global Confederation as they say thank you for setting free our people formerly being held on Fallestine. You have a Second letter of appreciation from King Kion as for taking care of Him, He grants you an honorary nobility. You have another letter of appreciation from The War Maiden Grandmasters as they wanna thank you for saving them and making you an honorary tribe member, and they're also making you the new Owner/Mentor of a Girl named Shiela, I trust you not to abuse this Son. Also, The Large Diamond which is the reward of The War Maidens are all yours. Now in the real topic at hand, Colonel Washington "Bonez" D. Cedric, You are now authorized to walk and roam freely to Fallestine for research and resources with The "Team" you've assembled. And once you're suspension is over, You will go to said mission.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
(Salutes) Yes Sir, Thank You Sir! (In His mind) I was hoping to relax a little bit?

>Miss Oracle (Goddess):
And You have another letter, Colonel.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Wait, what letter?

And then Miss Oracle shows Bonez and the rest an adoption paper and then Both Steel and Miss Oracle turned on Steel's laptop as they're about to call Judge Jenny and She answered. She told them that it's an adoption letter for both Bonez and Kaliffa. Both were shocked until both Steel and Miss Oracle told them everything. Back in Chapter 16 were Miss Oracle shows something to Steel when She put her Hand on His forehead She then truthfully told Him why Bonez did it and Steel understood as before Ackerman was stabbed they then went back to Earth to tell Judge Jenny everything and when She understood She then gave them the adoption paper and the 2 of them promise to never anyone of why Bonez did it (And when the 2 of them came back to base then that's when they heard gunfire from Ackerman's Pistols). And when they ask both Bonez and Kaliffa if they either want to sign the paper to become Father and Daughter or stay as friends Kaliffa then says yes on signing the paper and then Bonez followed as they both signed the paper.

>Judge Jenny (US):
(On Laptop) Congratulations Miss Kaliffa La Luna, you are now officially a Cedric. (Call Ends).

And then everyone inside Steel's office including Steel celebrated as Kaliffa La Luna (Or should I say Kaliffa La Cedric) is now Bonez's Daughter. Steel gave Bonez and Rambo an order for His suspension as they will use their 2 week suspension to teach Kaliffa about being a Cedric back on Earth while Shiela made a request to Steel and that is She wants to follow Bonez as He is Her Master/Mentor and Steel approved while Grim and Salem will have to stay. When Bonez, Rambo, Kaliffa, and Shiela came back to Earth a Limo transports them to where the Cedrics live as they live in a Mansion so big that there's enough room for everyone. And when they got off the Limo and went inside every Cedric except Erica and Steel says surprise on them as they set/made a party for them (Everyone wasn't disappointed at Bonez and Rambo as Miss Oracle and Steel told them everything and they quickly understood). And then they were happy as a surprise party was set/made for them and then they had fun. While the party's going on Shiela asked Bradley of what's their family history and then Bradley told Her. She then asked of how come Rambo is the only Animal in the Family and then Bradley also told Her. 7 years ago Rambo used to be a normal Chimpanzee until He was experimented as He learned to talk and became super smart (He also, aged slowly than Humans and got the same Metallic Endo Skeleton as Bonez). And then Rambo found a way to escape and He did. Then The GMDF lead by Bonez arrived as they heard that terrorists where experimenting on Animals to become super soldiers. And while Bonez was strategizing for their attack Rambo then found them as He shows up with His hands up in the air as He wants to tell Bonez where to go and then Bonez was impressed. And so the Battle Raged On, Terrorists were killed, Rambo and Bonez ended up becoming a duo as Rambo was able to shoot down a Terrorist Sniper aiming at Bonez from afar, and the Animals were freed. When Steel arrived as backup He then congratulates Bonez while Bonez says not Him but Rambo is to be congratulated and then Steel tasked them to become a duo and welcomed Rambo to be part of the Cedrics and He says yes. After hearing the story Shiela finally knows why while Bonez, Rambo, and Kaliffa were enjoying the party. Later after the party they then showed where Shiela and Kaliffa are going to sleep as they prepared a bedroom (2 separate beds for them) for the 2 of them and Bonez says goodnight to both of them and tells them no fighting. He also told them that in the next day they will train and then Kaliffa and Shiela went to bed. The next day (It's 4:00 AM) Bonez woke them up as they have to take a bath, eat breakfast, take toothbrush (They brought 2 extras for both of them), and more before training. At 5:45 AM they first started with jogging as that's the first thing they do before training and they did other stuff. At 7:30 AM that's when they started training as they have to learn strategy, philosophy, physical training, martial arts, and more. And they started with strategy it was just the Cedrics playing RTS Games as everytime they fight and strategize is just as easy as playing video games. Then they went to study philosophy as they have a library filled with philosophy and strategy. When they did physical training, it was them getting into shape as they do it all the time. In martial arts Kaliffa and Shiela spar against Bonez as He teaches them and they used to get their asses kick but days later they finally did it. And after training they also go to eat lunch and take a break and it all goes on over and over as Kaliffa and Shiela learned of how they do their daily routine. It was painful for them at first but days later they learned that it's actually rewarding as they not only learned a lot but they also finally became okay as they forgived each other. Meanwhile at Lord Krat'hell's Palace Emperor Necron and Lady Death told Krat'hell of both good news and bad news. Good news for them is that the Dragon was finally slain and it was under their control while the Bad news was the Dragon was killed yet again by the Army from Earth and that a Necromancer was responsible for it's death. Lord Krat'hell was pissed off as instead of killing them both He punched some walls and destroys wine bottles on a silver platter.

>Emperor Necron (Undead):
(Stands up) My Lord, what do we do?

>Lord Krat'hell (???):
(While pissed off) Get 88,000,000 Soldiers ready! In 2 weeks and 5 days we attack and destroy Fallestine!

>Lady Death (Goddess):
(Bows with Necron) Yes my lord.

(What Krat'hell meant is 88,000,000 Soldiers from different Races from The Chaos Empire. 11,000,000 on each race).

To Be Continued

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