Chapter 5: The Battle Plan

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What Krat'hell's invasion force (Lord Krat'hell won't be here) didn't know that Satoshi put a tracking/listening device on their General. Meanwhile Bonez called Major General Akira on his Radio for support and then they arrived in a (Black with Skull Symbols on both left and right) Militarized/Modified/Weponized Mil V12 Helicopter. And then the Heli landed deployed the 321nd Black Company (50 Riflemen, 48 Heavy Machine Gunner, 50 Minigunner, 48 RPG 30, and a Total of 196 Soldiers) with another Mil V12 Heilcopter landing filled with the things Bonez needs to help defend and reinforce the city (Explosive Barrels, C4s, C4 Detonator, Flame Turrets, Minigun Turrets, Shovels, A big long Green Blanket, and Sandbags). As Princess Cassandra saw the 321st Black Company Bonez told her that they are the ones that they're all gonna need to defend the city. Several minutes later as everyone gathered around on the table as Bonez explains his battle plan after he puts the paper on the table.

(The picture of the title is what the Battle Plan looks like) (I made it myself) (The green next to the walls are the High Grounds. Also, once you get in the Front walls, the city is big) (The Formation of Bonez's Black Commandos' Formation is kinda like this ● ■ ● ■ ● ■ ●).

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Alright, before we begin i must ask. Satoshi, did you activated the stealth field generator you made to cover both the city and outside?

>Sergeant Major Satoshi (Japan):
Yes i did sir.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Good, now here's the plan. (Opens the paper) First, Me, Kaliffa, Salem and the archers will be firing from walls. Second, Grim and the rest of your soldiers will have to be behind the steam tanks inside the walls as they will be supporting fire, but if the enemy's rear line get to this point, then we'll have to launch her in one of the steam tanks. Third, we'll have to put the explosive barrels underground with C4s on them, and make sure we cover them with dirt so the enemy won't see it. Fourth we'll also put the Turrets on the sides underground to surprise attack the enemy's rear line and the mercenary witch, just make sure that the Turrets are far away from the explosives. Fifth, We'll put the sandbags in front of the Armored Vehicles in front of the Front Gate, then we'll dig a trench in front of the sandbag walls and cover it with the Green Blanket, just make sure that there's something to keep from getting blown by the wind. Sixth, The Black Commandos and some of my Platoon will be on the sandbag walls, trenches, and the high grounds next to the walls, and the high ground has to have trebuchets while to walls' towers must have Ballistas. And Seventh, Yin and Ricky will assist Princess Cassandra and Air General Sifo as you guys and your air force will be diving down surprising the enemy's air forces once the bombs blows up. You guys got it? Good, because this is our only way to protect and defend the city. Now, let's put our game faces on.

And after Bonez explained his battle plan Princess Cassandra and the rest (Except The 301st Commando Platoon and The 321nd Company since they were already amazed by Bonez's plan before but they're still amazed) were amazed to see and hear such a plan. As heard and see Bonez's plan they go with the plan as they think that it's risky but it just might work. And so everyone goes to their part as they are preparing for battle.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Good thing you guys agree, now let's go save the city. And 4R63N7/ARGENT, play some music.

>4R63N7/ARGENT (A.I.):
Yes sir. (Then plays the music).

(This is a montage music on them preparing and doing what they should do from Bonez's Battle Plan)
(Credits to: Omega Sparx - The Mark)

And so they dig down a big hole for the explosions, dig down for a trench, put the sandbag walls, put the trebuchets and ballistas, dig down for the turrets to rise as it will fire once the turrets rises, the Air Forces, Yin and Ricky goes into the floating islands to wait and dive down to surprise the enemy, and Bonez high fiving and fist bumping His Platoon and His Company as they work (Bones was also helping out too). 6 days later they finished the traps and other things to prepare for the plan, and so Bonez ordered Satoshi to shut down the Stealth Field as it's ready for combat. After turning it off an enemy scout saw the city unstealthed as he reported back to his comrades and said that the city doesn't look like anything and it just look normal for some reason. Later than night Princess Cassandra and some of her knights were walking until they heard and saw Bonez in his room (which is one of the guess rooms) talking to his Skull Helmet Mask, so they silently went to the bedroom door to hear better (Also, before Bonez makes the call on his Skull Helmet Mask they were treated by Princess Aria's Maids. Corporal Kazuya was haply that his was A Cat Girl).

>Supreme Commander Steel (US):
So Colonel, What you're saying is that The Chaos Empire will be attacking the city tomorrow night?

>Colonel Bonez (US):
(Talking to both Steel and Akira on the Skull Helmet Mask) Yes sir, and that's why i suggest that tomorrow night you must prepare the Mechs, and Helis to arrive and reinforce the city.

>Major General Akira (Japan):
Very well then, i'll prepare my Mecha, The Yoshiro Mark 3 to get there.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
That works too sir.

>Supreme Commander Steel (US):
Alright then meet us once we get there.

>Colonel Bonez (US):
Yes sir.

And after Cassandra and some of her Knights heard what he said as they don't know if the reinforcements should be trusted or not, so they continued along with Bonez plan and also wait for the reinforcements coming to help them. 1 day later at night everyone were finally prepared as The Chaos Empire marches far away into the city.

To Be Continued

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