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"Fallestine" (Fantasy World), A World Filled With Great Beauty, Magic, Floating Islands And So Many Living Creatures/Races. "Fallestine" Was Peaceful. Until One Day Everything Changed When The Chaos Empire Attacked. The Chaos Empire Are Made Only For One Purpose... And That Is To Destroy Not Only "Fallestine" But Everything. One Day All 14 Kingdoms Had Enough And Decided To Take Up Arms And Join Forces To Fight Against The Chaos Empire. But Even With Their Joined Forces It Wasn't Enough To Defeat The Chaos Empire As In Half Of Their Armies Died That Day Because Of The Never Ending Might And Numbers Of The Chaos Empire. But Even With Such Great Victories And Losses The Allied Kingdoms Never Gave Up And They All Vowed To Protect "Fallestine" And Slow Down The Chaos Empire's Destruction By Any Means Necessary. When *The Elder Gods* (*The Elder Gods* In This Story Are Way Different And Looks Way Different From The Ones In Mortal Kombat) Found Out About The Chaos Empire's Plans To Destroy "Fallestine". *The Elder Gods*  Wanted To Help But They Couldn't Do Anything To Interfere In The War Of "Fallestine". Until *The Oracle* Found Another Way To Give "Fallestine" A Chance To Win The War And Restore Peace. And So She Ran Her Way To *The Elder Gods* To Tell Them What She Saw.

•Elder Guardians:
>(Saw The Oracle Running In A Hurry).

•The Oracle:
>(Stopped Running And Saw The Guards Standing In The Gate).

•Elder Guardian 1:
>What Is Your Business Here Milady?

•The Oracle:
>Please, This Is Urgent! I Need To Speak To The Elder Gods Right Now!(In A Hurry)

And So They Let Her In. After She Went In She Told *The Elder Gods* What They Should Do... And That Is To Create And Open A {Giant Golden Portal} In Fallestine. She Also Told Them That There Is Another World Known As "Earth" Which Not Only It Has Great Military Power But Its People And Soldiers Are More Peaceful, Nice, Civilized, ETC. *The Elder Gods* Knew That If They Create And Open One Now Then No One Would Be Able To Close It... Not Even *The Elder Gods* Themselves. But They Had No Other Choice, So They Created And Opened One. The Chaos Empire's Dark Emperor Named Lord Krat'hell (Not Only He Where's A Helmet Which Fully Covers His Face But Also Sounds Like Noob Saibot When His Helmet Is On. Also, He Has An Amulet Like Shinnok But It's A Shape Of A Hexagon On His Chestplate ) Found Out And Was Prepared To Go To The {Giant Golden Portal} With 8 Million Soldiers Ready To Attack "Earth". *The Elder Gods* Found Out About The Chaos Empire's Plan Aswell, So They Sent *The Oracle* To Go To Earth And Warn The People Their About The Upcoming War And Aid Them At All Cost.

Meanwhile In "Earth" (3 Minutes Before The Giant Golden Portal Was Created And Opened In "Earth").

(Sweet Home Alabama Is Being Played By The 301st Commando Platoon's Boom Box).

Location: A Military Camp Stationed In One Of The Nearest Beaches Of "Washington DC."

Time And Date: 01/11/2030

In The Year 2030, All Continents Of "Earth" (Including "Antarctica" Because In This Story Sentient Robots That Think And Feel Like Humans Are A Thing And They Live And Govern "Antarctica") Made An Agreement To Never Wage War On Each Other Ever Again And Established A Confederation Known As The Global Confederation (No Relations To The Art Of War Games). That's Why They Use Their Military Forces Which Is Now Known As The GMDF (Global Military Defense Force) For Anti-Terrorism, Peace Keeping, ETC.

The Global Confederation And The Global Military Defense Force Were Formed On January 1, 2020 (Covid-19 Didn't Happened In This Story). Also, It Was Made To Become Earth's First World Government.

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