Chapter 24: HELL MARCH!!!

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(This is the music Bonez played in advance)
(Credits to: EA's C&C RA3 - Hell March 3)

While Cassandra, Her Knights, The 7 High Royals, and the other Royals of Fallestine fought from each of their Castles and Capitals on each of their continents they were then outmatched as the Chaos Empire are trying to destroy their Magic Barriers and were outmatched. While The Chaos Empire marches and tries to break every Magical Barrier while Lord Krat'hell and His 7 Imperial Royals watches from afar The General leading the assault then hears something.

>Chaos General 1 (Evil Demon):
(To all) Hold! I hear something. Something's coming?!

And when The Chaos Empire's forces looks at the side and then points their weapons to the fog (It was night before until it's starting to become morning). And when Cassandra saw them looking at the side She then goes to 1 of the walls as She asked Her Father of what's going on and High King Allan says He can sense auras and are pure/good hearted ones. And when The Chaos Empire slowly marches to the side they then heard the sound stopping. Until a Javelin Missile hit their Batterring Ram (They used these on Magic Barriers aswell) and then exploding both The Battering Ram and their Soldiers. And then bullets started swarming and when the fog cleared it was The GMDF firing at The Chaos Empire's Forces as they're doing Plan D while Krat'hell and His 7 Imperial Royals just watches until it ends. When Princess Cassandra and High King Allan watches as The GMDF swarm bullets on Chaos Imperial Soldiers Cassandra then saw Cyclone flying around in circles, drops a Radio/Walkie Talkie to Her, and then flies down as Cassandra grabs the Radio/Walkie Talkie.

>Fleet Admiral Gustus (Human/Angel):
(On Radio) Hey there Cousin, remember my Promise? Cuz I think you might wanna look at the Sea?

And then High King Allan, Princess Cassandra, and Her Knights goes to look at the Sea as they saw Gustus' Flagship followed by Modern Ships as they send Helis, Jets, Amphibious Assault Vehicles, and More as they join the battle like what the Forces of Pandora did in Avatar combined with RA3's Japanese Army's Invasion from the RA3 intro. And then the battle begins as Bonez, Grim, Rambo, Gustus, Emerald, and Garro joins and leads them the Army when Gustus teleported everyone to battle and starts Raining Hell on the Enemy. Meanwhile Steel and the rest of The GMDF's Forces came to save Fallestine from Both Land, Sea/Underwater, and Air as they used their Modern Weapons to fight against The Chaos Empire. While the battle is going on and Krat'hell with the rest still watching The 7 High Royals decided to help out as they rain arrows, magic, etc on The Chaos Empire's Forces while distracted from The GMDF's Forces. And so The Chaos Empire were so overwhelmed as they're suffering Heavy Casualties from Both Fallestine, Nature, and Earth's Forces fighting together as one. While the Chaos Empire are almost defeated while they're closing in Steel told everyone On Radio to go back to the Ships as the 6 Angels teleports Both Forces to safety. And when both Forces (Fallestine, Nature, and Earth's Forces) were teleported to safety Supreme Commander Steel then gave the order to use the OICSs to do the final cleanup. And when they were Fired green lasers then annihilated every single 1 of the Chaos Empire's Forces as they've been wiped out by the OICSs. And when the smoke cleared The Forces Fallestinians and The Forces of Nature then saw the disintegrated bodies of Chaos Imperial Soldiers with Shock and Awe. Then a few seconds later all Forces celebrated as The Chaos Empire's invasion force has been all but eliminated. And when they all got back to the ground GMDF Medics were taking care of injured Soldiers from both forces while saying thank you to them. And while Cassandra was happy to see both Bonez and Gustus as She was thankful that they arrived to save them atleast or else more could have died. And while High King Allan congratulates both Bonez and Gustus Krat'hell decided to teleport after telling His 7 Imperial Royals to stay for as He wants to kill Bonez Himself with rage.

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