Chapter 26

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Hey guys, Aqierra here...

So I am sooooo sooooo sorry for the long waits. Things have been very busy on my end and you guys have have to wait for so longs. Again I am so sorry and I will try to do better. Try not to hold it against me, and I promise I will try to update the chapters to your favorite stories more often. Anyways, enjoy the next chapters and don't forget to vote and comment, because you all know how much I enjoy to hear from you. Thanks. 

Chapter 26

Waking up at close to one in the morning, Danny found herself slowly walking through the Reeds' huge mansion like home trying to get to the kitchen to get her something to drink. After her conversation with Skylar, they had spent a little time together before he went and meet up with Clover, leaving her to herself, as she tried her best to stay off of her wounded foot. As difficult as it was for her to normal stay off her feet, she found that after taking the prescribed meds that it was much more easier to do, especially when she spent most of the day sleeping.

But now that she was up, with nothing to do, she found it hard to turn back over and doze off, so instead she opted to go down and find her something to drink, in hopes of calming her thoughts and mind.

As she moved through the home, she found that at one in the morning things seemed to be a lot more settled than what they had normally been since she first arrived. Normally there were still others awake in the home, talking amongst themselves, but today not a sound was heard. For it to be a home that was currently filled with wolves, she had to admit that they were as quiet as a mouse, which only led her to believe that maybe they had gone down early or that they were out patrolling the territory.

Knowing that Skylar had to get up early to start his official day as a full time CEO for his family's company, she took the latter and continued to make her way through the house.

Stumbling her way to the kitchen she turned on the lights and found the kitchen to be a big beautiful spotless area. Nothing had seemed to be out of place, and all of the dishes had been put up. For her to be someone who thrived in messy, she felt completely awful about getting up this late to fix her something to eat.

Someone had really done a great job at keeping the kitchen so nice and clean, and for her to come stumbling in at this time of night, looking for a midnight dinner, she was sure that she was going to ruffle some feathers, especially because everyone she knew in this town was a supernatural being with superhuman hearing, and could probably hear her fumbling her way through the home.

As if making her mind up to go through with her plan, she sighed softly and gave in to a slight shrug as she staggered hobbling her way deeper inside the kitchen. Making her way over to the fridge, she reached out grabbed the freezer door handled and pulled it over.

Taking a moment to look over everything inside of it, her spirits brightened again when she spotted what she was looking for. Reaching out and grabbing the container of chocolate chip ice cream, she nearly squealed in joy. Closing the freezer and slowly making her way over to the large kitchen island, she searched for a spoon, trying her best to hurry so that she could feed her craving.

"Isn't it too late for a snack?" a hard voice sounded from the entrance of the doorway, causing Danny to look up from what she was doing. Taking in the person in the doorway, her eyes landed on the man with the dark brown hair and matching dark eyes, who always seemed to wear a tiresome look on his brooding yet very handsome face. Giving him a once over and seeing him dressed in a pair of dark heavy sweatpants and a dark shirt, Danny placed a soft and patient smile on her face before she nodded her head, while giving in to a soft chuckle.

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