Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After getting up the next morning and finding that Clover wasn't in the apartment, Skylar took a shower, changed his clothes and left. If there was one thing he had to do, it was saying goodbye to his father. He felt the need to gain some type of closure and he knew that his best bet was to go to the place where his father spent most of Skylar's childhood. As a child after losing his mother, Skylar was never allowed visit his father far out in the woods close to their territory boarders.

Skylar knew the reason for that.

He knew that Emory wouldn't allow him to go anywhere near their father alone, and he knew that Angel probably wouldn't be in the mood to see him. But because of Emory, Skylar always had schedule meets with both his father and Emory, just to make sure that Angel wouldn't snap and try to kill him. He knew that when it came to him, Emory always saw his father as a threat. When Skylar was twelve, and was going through a hard time in his life, missing the presences of his parents, Emory talked Angel into seeing Skylar.

Of course Emory had to be there to make sure that Skylar was always protected. But even Emory's authoritative presence did little to nothing when it came to Angel losing control. Skylar remembered being at the cabin that his father had been staying for less than five minutes before Angel's animalistic side got to him. He could remember how Angel's eyes brighten at the first sight of seeing him, but then after a quick second they dimmed and he got more lost inside himself. Angel had barely said one word, and when Skylar asked him when was he coming home, Angel snapped and lunged for him. Because of Emory being there and having the Alpha strength, and speed he was able to get the better of Angel throwing him down to the ground and demanding that Skylar left the cabin.

After that Emory rarely let Angel see Skylar. The only time Skylar ever really saw his father again was when Emory asked him to come to the house to talk about the problems that some of the other packs were going through.

As Skylar made it to the cabin, he walked up the creaky wood stairs that led to the front door. He took in a deep breath before releasing it, and reaching for the door handle. Skylar hadn't expected for the door to be locked, because his father had never really locked the place down. Most people knew not to come snooping this far into the woods, and the pack members never ventured this far, unless they were authorized.

Breaking the lock, Skylar slowly pushed the door open, expecting the worst. He hadn't known what he expected. Maybe he expected to see, the furniture over turned and clothes everywhere. Or maybe he expected the worst smell to evade his nose, considering the fact that his father had bathe little. Whatever he expected, wasn't what he had gotten. He had at least expected to see some sign that his father had spent years living in the place, or some type of sign that showed the livings of a very a depressed and unstable man.

Instead of seeing just that, when Skylar pushed the front door opened he saw what he saw when he first entered his old home.

Things weren't as he remembered.

When he had visited the cabin as a child, he remembered seeing wood everywhere. There use to be a large wooden table that sat in the middle of the room, a fridge that held nothing in there but old opened cans of beans. There was an old beaten up couch that used to be pushed in the center of the room, and Skylar could remember looking at the walls and seeing claw marks that out lined the room. There use to be tore up curtains, messy dishes and empty beer bottles thrown around the room.

            But as Skylar stepped foot into the cabin, he saw the same thing that he saw when he entered Emory's home. The place looked like some type home make over ad. Unlike when he walked into Emory's place there wasn't all black and white furniture. This time, when he walked into the cabin, he eyes saw that instead of the black, ever was white, and also looked expensive. The walls were no longer the same wooden tone that he remembered. Instead the wood was gone and the wall were a creamy color, and very bare.

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