Chapter 27

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Hey guys Aqierra here, 

I know it's been a while since I last updated, but I'm going to start making time to do it more often. I've been stretched between two jobs and school, so time hasn't been on my side as of late, but I don't want you guys to lose interest in my stories, because I really do enjoy your comments and watching the views go up on them. So bare with me and I promise I will be uploading more of your fav's. Thanks for sticking with me. 


Don't forget to leave comments, because you all know that I enjoy hearing from your. Thanks, and now you can enjoy the chapter...

Chapter 27

Today was his first official day working as the head of Reeds Enterprises, and under the direct supervision of Jonah and Clover he would be given the tour around the office and with their help and guidance, he was looking to catch on quickly to everything that it was the Emory did.

Not knowing nearly as much about the ins and outs of the business like Emory did he was looking to make a good impression with the partners and the rest of the staff of Reeds Enterprises, as he would try his best to take over the ropes.

As he stood in his room, preparing himself to take on this role, he couldn't help but to think about the fact that as a child, Emory had to fill their father's shoes as he took over the company, something they both knew that he wasn't ready for. Yet, somehow, as a child Emory did it, and he exceeded pasted everyone's expectations, and he made the company into what it was. And instead of keeping it amongst the people in their pack, he allowed humans to play a role in it, expending it into something that was nearly too big to miss.

As he thought about it now, he had no idea of how much of a child protégé that Emory was, until he had to fill those shoes; and were they some shoes to fill.

He just prayed that under his control that the Reed empire wouldn't fall. As much as he knew his brother hated him at the moment, he still didn't want to fail him, and he still wanted Emory to know that he could trust him, so he knew that he had to step up, and in doing so, he would have to work twice as hard as his brother had.

Just then, the door to his room swung opened and in walked Clover in a grey dress that went just below her knees, and a large bag in her arms. Her bright green eyes took him in as she smiled softly at him, walking in his direction.
"Good morning." She said in a warm tone as she stopped by him, placing the large bag on his bed, and staring him in the eyes. "I didn't know if you were up or not so I thought I'd-:

"Just barge in for a morning wake up call?" he asked with a slight humor to his voice, earning him a small smile from her.

"Exactly." She stated, as she placed her hands on her hips. "I know that today is going to be a lot to process, so I thought that I'd come here to help you out. We're going to be doing a lot with the walk through, and all of the partners will be coming in to officially meet you, so it wouldn't sit right with me if, I just let you show up unprepared. So, I took the liberty of picking out the perfect suit for you, I also stopped and got breakfast, and coffee, all of which are downstairs on the kitchen counter, and I have all of the budgets and projects that we're currently working on. We'll discuss that part on our way to the meeting." She said, sounding as if she were running down a mental list, as she spoke.

As another smile took form on his face, he couldn't help but to notice how serious she was about this. He was happy to know that she took her job at Reed Enterprises so serious. It showed him that she had a strong work ethic and that she actually cared about what she did, and who she did it for. And after everything that's happened since he's returned, knowing that she's been looking out for Emory as best as she could made him appreciate her more.

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