Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Maybe luck had something to do with it or maybe it didn't, but in that split time it took for the wolves to lung at her, nearly taking her in for the kill, and her running in a frantic panic state of mind, Danny found herself tripping over a log as she braced for the worse in what the wolves had to offer.

In the darken night she found herself, scrambling around the forest floor, trying to find her footing as she quickly picked herself up from the fall, running in the direction of Emory's cabin.

Hearing the loud barks, and growls from the creatures that threatened her life, Danny couldn't bring herself to think straight as the only thoughts of retrieval played in a loop through her head.

Giving in to a small cry, she let out another cry as she felt the snap of one of the monsters jaw snapping shut, only mere inches away from her.

Just as she thought she had gotten lucky with, seeing the sight of the cabin come into view, she felt herself being thrown to the could ground in a loud thud, with her body eating away at the loud crunch of the leaves beneath her. With only spears seconds in the moment, she was able to turn her body around, trying her best to crawl backwards to the house, while trying to manage keeping an eye on the two large beast.

She had only a moment to collect her thoughts, before she felt the harden sting of the wolf's canines sinking into her skin as it bit into her ankle. She heard it in the moment the wolf latched its large jaw around her small feet, the sound of her bones popping out of place due to the heavy pressure that was placed on it.

As the feeling of pain spread throughout her body, Danny gave way to a horrific scream the erupted through the night air, like glass shattered from a loud pitch. Tears burned through her eyes as the pain intensified.

Not wanting to give up the fight, Danny, through the tears and the pain, kicked her free leg out as hard as she could muster, hitting the wolf as hard as she could, before finding a fallen thick branch on the ground and swinging it at the wolf, knocking it up side the head, as she tried once more, with all of her might to push herself away from the animals.

Seeing that she didn't really have the best of luck at the moment, as soon as she freed herself from the clutches of one wolf, the other sprang forward, knocking Danny on her back.

She tried with all of her might to keep the wolf's mouth away from her, seeing as it immediately went for the kill.

Without thinking, she quickly placed her hand under the wolf's large neck, as it took a snap at her neck, fighting to bury its large teeth in her.

Crying through the struggle, Danny tried her best to keep the wolf away from her, but it was too large and heavy for her, and was using its weight to keep her down.

Giving in to one last cry, she could feel her hold on the beast slipping as its dominant force was quickly taking control. She turned just in time, to see the other wolf pick itself up, and quickly launch at her.

Thinking that it was the end of her, her mind instinctively went elsewhere, as imagines of all of her friends back home, suddenly popped into her head. She remembered her boys, and their last flag football game, and how much she loved to show them up. She remembered going to see Jennette and her baby Lucas and seeing the little four year old wobble around as if he owned the place. She saw Rafe, Nina, Shawn and Kale, and thought about how they'd became part of her family in such a short amount of time. Rafe, who had been growing on her like a wiser, older brother, Nina with her flirtatious charm and open personality, Shawn and his silent ways of going about his day, and then there was Kale, who was feisty and hard-headed, yet he was kind of like the little brother she never got to have. Within those finally seconds of her life, she saw Skylar, and thought about what he would think when he came to the realization that she was no more.

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