Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

As her mind ran wild in silence, Danny had done her best to keep her wondering eyes off of Emery, who had been in his huge office finalizing the rest of his work, before he kept his word and returned her to Clover's place.

She sat silently with her hands in her laps staring off into space as he mutely looked through a couple of files that had been placed on his desk. Throughout the time of them being there, one of his secretary had come into the office of several occasions asking if there was anything that he had needed her to do. Each time Emory utter a 'No' without so much as taking his haunted eyes off of the papers from in front of him. It didn't go unnoticed by Danny that every time the secretary took her leave, she would cast a watchful eye in the direction of her, giving Danny a curious glance before darting her eyes back towards a reserved Emory.

When she took her leave for the last time, Danny couldn't help but to sigh softly and look down at herself.

Even if she hadn't known him that long, she knew him well enough to know that this must have been the most unusual thing that he had every done in the office. She could tell from the moment when she stepped off of the elevator and into the lobby that when their eyes started to linger on the two of them and the hushed whispers started up, that all of the talk was about Emory and the strange woman he had in tow.

If he noticed any of the things that she had, he certainly didn't show it.

And as Danny looked down at what she considered causal, she suddenly felt the need to hide away from the beautiful people that worked there.

Looking up and casting her deep brown eyes over in the direction of Emory who had long since shrugged off his suit jacket and sat there looking like the perfect specimen, Danny suddenly realized that in all of her time of just staring into space and being silence that the time had quickly passed, and day had turned into night.

With her mouth slightly gaped opened, she shifted her head to the left and looked out the glass window that peered into the secretary's work area, she found that it had been cleared out with the lights dimly lit and a custodian emptying the trash bans.

Turning her attention to a very focused Emory, who couldn't seem to tell that everyone else had seemed to leave, Danny took the opportunity to clear her throat in hopes of catching his attention. When that seemed to fail, and he kept looking through papers and taking notes, Danny rolled her eyes and stood up to her full height, feeling the need to stretch from sitting like a statue for hours.

"Emory." She called in a dry voice that had him cupping the papers in his hand, looking like he only noticed another person in the room with him. When he looked up and took in the slight frown on her face, his eyes narrowed at her as he kept a blank look on his face. "In case you hadn't noticed," she started as she looked around for confirmation, "we're the only one's here." She said in a voice that sounded as tired as a twenty year old engine.

With a brow raised from her, and a puzzled look of his own, Emory slightly turned to glance out the large glass window behind him and noticed the darken sky.

In a silent motion, he turned back around and looked at the papers on his desk and for a minute of two he seemed to have a silent debate with himself.

As if he'd come to a decision, Danny's eyes took in the sight of him rising to his full height as he gathered the papers together and picked up the office phone dialing an unknown number. She was barely able to make out the words he spoke, but her spirits lifted when she watched him putting the papers away and slipping on his jacket.

Again, he barely gave her a second look before he gathered his things and walked around his desk in a silent motion.

Watching as he reached for his closed office door and stepped out, Danny took that as a way that he was signaling for her to follow him. Again she found herself tagging behind him in a silenced that just seemed to drag on. She had never been this quiet in her entire life, and as she trailed behind her, it suddenly dawned on her that she didn't even know what the words 'shut up' meant until now. It was a painful situation that she never wanted to be in, and she was all to happy that at least this time around she didn't have to deal with the thousands of eyes that seemed to follow after them in the office.

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