Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Trying her best to creep back inside of the huge mansion like home that had eaten up acres of the wooden land surrounding it, Danny quickly shifted her body in through the door, and did her best to close it behind her without making a sound. As the door came to a softly click, before she found herself reaching for the lock, she suddenly found herself jumping in horror as the sound of her name sounded though the spacious corridor.

Nearly thumbing her head on the door from being caught, she silently cursed herself as she quickly reached up and wiped any tear residue away and sniffing softly, trying her best to go back to the upbeat Danny that she always was. Turning quickly, she found Nina standing near the entrance to the living room with her arms folded as she stood there leaning against the frame of the wall.

Taking on look on the other girls face, a knowing smile formed on Nina's face as she watched Danny standing in front of the closed door.

"Where are you coming from Danny?" Nina asked like a lazy lioness who seemed to be watching their prey, something that Danny herself had to learn was the other girls natural act. While most girls came across as either bitchy or nice, Danny found that Nina liked to play the complicated role of both. Most of the times she was the sweetest persons that walked the planted but sometimes when she was in the mode to play, the bitcher side of hers was sure to slip out, like now.

Judging from the look on her face and the gleam that sat in her eyes, Danny knew that she was in for it.

Sighing softly Danny pushed forward and made her way through the Reeds home, heading towards the stairs and up to the room that she had been placed in ever since the night when Emory Reed lost his mind and tried to kill her. Hearing the padded sound of Nina's feet as she followed behind her, Danny walked into the room and plopped down on the huge bed.

"What's wrong Danny?" Nina asked in a curious yet lazy tone as her bright dark eyes gazed down at the other girl.

"Nothing," Danny stated calmly as she lifted her head to look straight ahead at the painted white and black walls of the room, "why would you think something was wrong?" she asked strongly as she shifted softly on the bed, and cleared her throat.

"Come on, Dan Dan." Nina drawled out as she slowly moved into the room making her way over to Danny and sitting beside her. Turning to face her she held that same temptress smile on her face that she nearly always used to call attention to herself as she reached over and placed a comforting hand onto Danny's. "We're both ladies, and I would think that as a woman of distinction that I would able to tell when another young has something bothering her. I really don't mean to pry, but been with Rafe, Kale and Shawn so long that sometimes its nice to talk to another female instead of huge pigs with egos the size of mars." She laughed softly giving Danny a reassuring smile.

"Besides," she continued pulling her hand away and staring into Danny's eyes, "when you had a home you opened your doors to the others and myself. I can't do much to repay you, but I can be a shoulder for you to lean on." She said softly while still keeping her eyes fixated on Danny.

Giving in to a soft sigh, Danny could understand where Nina was coming from. After all she did spend a large amount of her time hanging around the guys back home being one of them and being in their in crowd, that when she had an opportunity to get a little girl time, she often turned to Jeanette. And she kind of like this side of Nina, who when she wasn't scaring the living soul out of her, was usually being nice "I...I don't know where to start. I don't want to let my feeling get in the way of what's happening here. I'm trying to be strong for Skylar and I'm trying to keep out of the way. But after you all showed up and I had to hear that my childhood home was burned to a crisp, I've been feeling kind of lost." She said dipping her head in shame, as she had never had to admit something like that before.

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