Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

After another day had passed and she hadn't gotten in contact with Skylar, Danny decided that the only way that she'd get some sense of peace, or at least a means of distraction was if she had gotten out of Clover's apartment and had gotten some fresh air. With her not being in Skylar's home town and instead being in the city, she figured that she wouldn't go far. She didn't feel the need to be lost and wondering around a large city aimlessly in search for something similar that would lead her back to Clover's place.

With that in mind, she had found herself in a small café that made her feel right at home. With the sweet and bitter smell of coffee lingering in the air and the pastry treats teasing her stomach, she decided to pick a table in the corner and to do what she did best, at least that was what she called it when she was in the comfort of her family's restaurant.

Sitting at her corner table in the far back she picked the perfect spot to just sit and observe the scenery of the city life, during business hours. She watched as a couple of students from the nearby university sat at tables typing away at the computers, probably trying to finish some research papers up, or trying to still the free wifi hotspot. She watched as a couple of free-spirited people wearing long kimono's and hipster glasses sat talking about their world views.

She watched the workers at the counter taking orders and serving drinks to a bunch of business men in expensive suits. All in all Danny felt comfortable as she sipped on her coffee and took in the scene before her.

She'd stayed there and watched as the breakfast crowd dispersed and the lunch hour rush started to pour in.

It was thin when she noticed the sight before her.

Standing there looking like nothing in the world ever phased him was Emory Reed. He stood tall and strong with his wide broad shoulders held high. At first sight, Danny's heart quicken in its pace as it started beating uncontrollably. She took him in with his rich dark hair and cold distance stare and couldn't help but to think of how perfect he looked. Just from one look, one might think that Emory Reed was the picture-perfect look of perfection. Rich and incredibly good looking; he seemed to need nothing from anyone and never relied on anyone.

But just from the few short encounters with him, Danny was fairly sure that the mask he wore was just that. Somehow she just knew that he was keeping it together by a think string; one false move and he'd snap like the beast he tried to control.

As much as she wanted to reach out and connect with him, just so she could get him and Skylar to reconnect she was too afraid of what his reaction would be. She wasn't a stupid person by far, and even though she was very persistent when she wanted to get to know someone, it was hard to ignore the fact that Emory seemed to be struggling to hold his composure whenever she went a little too far in her tactics to get him to open up. After all since meeting him and seeing him in action, she had been threatened on several occasions, slapped by his evil minion, and suffered a sprang foot.

What could possibly be next?

Holding back on her urge to call out to him, she remained silently in her seat and forced her eyes to travel elsewhere.

Not finding much to hold her attention, she reached in her pocket and pulled her phone out and scanned over her contacts, hoping that she could reach Skylar and hear back from him. Unfortunately for her, she received no answers from him, which only seemed to height her anxiety. She had no way of knowing if they had ran into some trouble with some other wolves. Seeing that she was had a first-hand experience from wolves attacking she could only pray that everything was alright.

As she sat there wondering what had could have happened to Skylar, her mind shifted to the others. She instantly thought of Nina, Shawn, and Rafe. What if something terrible had happened to them? What if one of them were hurt? Or worse?

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