Part 1 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The day had started out like no other for Skylar Reed. He had woken up and begun to prepare for his day. Today was suppose to be a special day, it was a day that Skylar would not dare to forget. Why? Because for the most being, Skylar was now rounding that special day in which all werewolves would or have come to know as the turning point in their lives.

Today was Skylar's seventeenth birthday, marking him as an official member of the pack. He was shifting today for the very first time, and not only that, but he was now eligible to go out into the world and find his mate.


Oh how he honored that word. To him finding Skylar finding his mate, would complete his world for two life times. A mate was something to be taken seriously, with all wolves. Mates were special and unique. They were the one and only true things that a wolf could live for. It didn't make any difference if fate had designed a person out in the world who was the same as you or if the person was completely different and totally wrong for you. All in all they were special and worth wide.

And as much as Skylar tried to hide it, he couldn't help the fact that he was overly excited about it. Getting up from his bed and walked over to his desk and grabbed the black t-shirt that hung on to his chair and slipped it on, and started to walk over to the door. Making his way to the kitchen he begin to whistle a tune that his father use to teach him.

Walking in the kitchen he headed over to the fridge, opened it up, and grabbed the carton of milk and drunk from it.

Chugging it down, Skylar begin to turn around and stopped mid turn when he came face to face with the person glaring at him, instantly making Skylar spit out the milk.

"What the hell, Em?" Skylar spat, still coughing on the milk. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?"

Emory Reed stood there taking his brother in with a blank expression. When he watched his brother start to wipe the milk from his chin he smirked and reached out to grab the milk carton. "About as many times as I have to ask you to stop drinking from the milk carton." He said putting the carton of milk and closing the fridge.

"Yeah but you know who much I hate when you do that." Skylar said going over to the kitchen's table and seating down. "Out late again?" Skylar laughed taking in his brother's look. As he observed him, Skylar could tell that his brother was tired. His short cropped black hair was everywhere, his eyes were low, and he hung his shoulders low. The guy looked beat and Skylar knew that it was because out of one of three things. Either Emory was out working late last night running their father's business, running patrols, or he was up late with his girlfriend Clover Jenkins, and from what Emory would usually tell him, it was enough to make a guy extremely tired.

"What, did Clover put it on you?" He laughed just as Ms. Fields, the cook, walked in getting ready to prepare breakfast.

At the sound of his laughter, Emory snapped his gaze over to Skylarl, reached out and smacked him on the back of his head. "Shut up." He stated taking a seat next to his brother. Looking at him, Emory noticed how much, Skylar favored his mother so much. From what he could remember out her, they both shared those same light brown eyes that seemed to care a certain spark to them. Not only did they have that in common, but from what his father use to tell the boys about mother, Skylar seemed to share that same personality as Regina Reeds. Both were sarcastic people, and both never really seemed to hold a single grudge in their life. Which to Emory was not really a bad thing, however Emory did wish for Skylar to take things a little more serious.

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