Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

It had been going on midday when she finally managed to track him down. At first, she had thought that it would be for the best to let him blow off the steam, that seemed to want to rise to the level of volcanic levels. After witnessing the anger within him last night, Clover just wanted to give Skylar a moment to collect himself.

She didn't want to make it seem as if she were pushing on him to lean on her.

She figured that when he was ready that he'd open up to her. But after waiting half the day for him to come around, she figured that she'd go to him instead.

With things between the two Reeds brothers nearly coming to a head last night, she just wanted to make sure that he was okay. She couldn't help but to worry about his state of being after the way he reacted to when he saw Danny laying on the hospital bed. If anything, Clover thought that seeing the dirt and blood, that covered her, was going to be the thing that sent him over the edge, but the second Skylar found out that she had been around Emory, things quickly took a turn for the worst, and she feared the outcome of things.

If there was one thing that she knew clearly about her mate, it was that he cared deeply for Danny and her safety. She also knew that even in his dangerous state, that Skylar also cared about his brother. So, she knew that it was a terrible place for him to be, thinking that his brother had done something horrible to her.

Not knowing where he could be, Clover was shocked when she finally found him, and realized that he had been in a place where she first realized she had feelings for him, of course it was way before she realized what a jerk he could be and defiantly way before either of them found out that they were mates.

Coming to a stop in front of a trail that passed through a rickety old bridge that she had taken one too many times as a kid, she found her eyes landing on Skylar who had been standing on the bridge with his arms probed up on the old wooden rails.

With a set look on her face, Clover found herself slowly walking in the direction that he had been, knowing that he was still processing what almost happened to Danny.

Walking up to him and reaching out to place a soft gentle hand on his back, she peered around the side of him and leaned in closer, letting her scent bring him comfort. It was only in the moment when he reached out and had taken her free hand in his, did she noticed how much her presences seemed to affect him.

"I found you." She said in a low whispered tone as she leaned in more to his touch.

"I knew you would." He stated in a soft tone, as he stared off into the distance. "Do you remember this place?" he asked turning, for the briefest of seconds to look at her.

Peering out into the view before her, a soft smile slipped on Clover's face as a brief memory played in her mind. Standing there taking in the sight before, she remembered a time way before she fell in love with Emory and hated Skylar. She remembered a time where she had developed her first crush on a kind and sweet boy that come to her rescue once when they were kids.

"I do." She said in a gentle tone, turning her green eyes on him. "I remember riding my bike out here one summer day and falling on some rocks and scrapping up my knees so badly that it hurt to walk." She said.

As she continued to think about that day, she felt as Skylar slipped his arms around her waist and leaned down into her, feeling as he took in a deep breath to inhale her scent. Placing her hands on top of his, she placed her the back of her head on his chest and continued to look out in the distance taking in the tall grasses surrounding them. "I remember crying so loud and not being heard, and being scared that I'd be there forever, because I had snuck away without telling my parents where I was going. I remember being covered in so much blood that my pant leg had been soaked." As she spoke and breathe slowly, she could practically taste his scent on her tongue as it mingled with her own. "I also remember a nice brown hair boy, coming out nowhere, just when I needed him." She said turning an eye on him and smiling up at him.

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