Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Walking in to the small cabin and making his way into the living room, the first thing that Skylar noticed was the small lit fireplace before his eyes shifted over to a sleeping Danny who had been wrapped up in the small blanket. Walking in and making his way over to her, he found himself stopping before her and looking down at her small sleeping figure.

Noticing the peaceful look on her face, he reached over and grabbed the heavy throw and slowly placed it over her, reaching out and running his hands through her soft silky hair.

A smile found its way on his face as he watched her squirm around in her sleep under his touch.

Letting his fingers stroke through her hair, and looked up taking in the sight of Kale as he slowly made his way into the living room, walking carefully towards them.

Rising from his spot in front of Danny, Skylar rose up and made his way over to Kale, placing his hand on his shoulder and motioning for him to follow him out of the living room and towards the door, that led outside of the cabin.

Closing the door behind them, Skylar took in one deep breath and turned his attention towards an impatient looking Kale.

"When are we going to go look for my brother and Rafe and Nina?" Kale asked in a anxious voice. His eyes shifted through the forest and his wolf paced inside of his body burning to be released. "We have to do something." He said.

"I know." Skylar said in a reassuring tone running his hand through his hair. Taking in the look on the younger boy's face, he knew that he had to do something and he had to make it quick. Judging from the look on Kale's face, he was seconds away from running off to go search from Sean himself.

That was something that he couldn't let happen. Skylar knew how much Kale and Sean meant to each other. They were all each other had and he knew what Kale was feeling at the moment. It was the same feeling that he had felt every day since he had left his pack all those years ago. With the brother's being all they had, it only made Skylar think about what he and Emory once had. And that in itself was more than enough to push the thought that he needed to step up and find Sean and the others.

"So what the hell are we going to do?" Kale asked pacing around the cabin's porch.

"I don't know."Skylar said looking out into the forest trees.


"Look I know." Skylar said turning his eyes on Kale. "I know what you're going through."

"You don't know shit." Kale spat angrily. "Okay...I didn't leave my brother, and he didn't leave me. I did what I had to do to protect Danny. You did what you did to run from something, there's a big difference. So you don't know what I'm going through."
Skylar's eyes narrowed at the younger boy, his wolf practically growling at the way that Kale spoke to him. It took everything in him to keep himself in check and not to lash out at the younger boy. Instead he kept a dangerous eye on him, frowning at him, giving him a look that told him to think twice before speaking to him in such a way.

"You know what," Skylar said stepping closer to Kale letting his voice drop lower, "I'm choosing to let that slide, but the next time you speak to me that way, I promise you kid you will regret it."

"I'm sorry." Kale said dropping his eyes to the ground. "I'm just-I'm worried, man." He said in a low tone. "I'm worried. What if something happened to them, what if he's dead."

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