Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Four days had passed since Danny and Kale had soon unexpectedly arrived, and Craig was working like crazy to keep anyone off of their scent. Skylar had kept watch over the two since they arrived and right off the back he noticed Danny's reluctance to talk about the horrible event that she had just witnessed. He held her when she broke down in tears crying about how the rogues wrecked her family home. He was horrified and completely on the brick of losing his mind after hearing how everything went down.

Danny could have been killed, and he wouldn't have even known. To make things worst was that every time he thought about a wolf getting close enough to her to strike, his blood boiled at the fact that he hadn't been there to protect her. He should have been there; she needed him, and he wasn't there. Instead in was in a place where he felt like more of an outsider than he was family. His brother hated him, and thought very little of him, and everyone else just looked at him, as if he were some type of ghost blessed with a second chance at life.

Rising from his spot on the sofa, he stared at the black car with tinted windows that had just pulled up, in front of his father's cabinet. He, Danny, and Kale had been hiding out there every sense he had gone to the hotel. And with ever second that ticked by, Skylar had been holding his breath thinking that Emory himself would show up and kick them out. Both Craig and Sonny had told him multiple times that it would be hard to keep Emory from finding out what was going on, and Craig opted to tell Emory the truth, hoping that it would be easier to let him know than to keep it a secret.

Today had been the day in which Emory were to return from his business meetings, and Skylar had become increasingly nervous as time went on. Danny wasn't speaking much to anyone, only settling for locking herself in his father's room, while Kale for the first time since Skylar met the kid, sat quietly, pacing around the cabinet hoping to here from Shawn.

The moment, Skylar seen the black car pull up, he knew right then and there that it had Emory.

He could feel the tension in the air that seemed to prickle his skin making his wolf tense up, as if they were readying themselves for a fight. He took one look out of the light white drapes, and knew instantly one he saw the huge built of his brother and the way the air around him seemed to be equally dominating that Emory wasn't happy about a human and a rogue being here. It was bad enough that Emory and his pack were gearing up for another war, which put him on edge, Skylar didn't want him taking any of his frustrations out on the id or Danny.

Seconds passed after hearing the car doors close, before he heard Emory and several other feet walking into the cabin.

Turning to face him, Skylar stood poised and ready for anything that his brother would throw at him.

As expected Emory walked in with Clover and the others trailing slowly behind him, each with gloomy and set looks on their faces. Emory's hard eyes met Skylar's with nothing but emptiness feeling his expression. He stood tall in all of his alpha like glorious features with dead set eyes as he looked at his brother blankly.

It was the small shake of his head, that got Skylar nervous. Everyone had talked about how much Emory changed, yet there were certain things about him that still remained the same. And that small disapproving shake of the head was one thing. It usually meant that Emory wasn't happy about something that Skylar did, and it often meant that he would deal with him later. But on this occasion, Skylar didn't think later meant anything, especially with Emory hating his guts.

"What," Emory started in his cold hard tone, that seemed to shake the small home, "where you thinking?" he spoke in his firm tone, taking a small step towards Skylar. "Bringing a rogue and a human into my home, into my territory!" he growled dangerously.

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