P, H, S, E, L - L

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Letter three.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: Lilith's box of letters.

My dearest Lilith,

My heart soared when I read that letter, I must tell you. I am incredibly excited you'll be coming to Finchley and meeting my mother. I have included a small note she wrote for you. I've been instructed not to read it. In fact, I have small notes from everyone living in this house. They've all written their names on the outside. I'm sure you would be able to tell who wrote which based on content and handwriting, but for convenience I had them write it anyways. They will be awaiting your response as anxiously as I will, so please do not forget them.

I have cried quite a few times in the night. Ed has had to give me his extra pillow so I have something to hold, which usually ends up being what I muffle the sobs with. I do not tell you this to make you feel guilty. In fact, I should probably not have written it at all. I felt it connected with your sleeping in my bed and shirt. That is a sight I wish to see again someday. Hopefully sometime soon.

Mum wrote the address and date in her note, she said. Please let me know if the date doesn't work for you. We can of course arrange any time you like. I hope it's soon.

I would love it if you gave me your necklace. You know how much I loved wearing it in Narnia, so of course I will wear it again. I'm glad it makes you happy to see me in it. We really are just a big circle of gladness, aren't we?

I don't really know what else to write. I found a copy of A Tale of Two Cities in mum's pile of books. She caught me looking at the pages you had read to us in the first couple nights at the professor's house. I think she was surprised when I asked if I could borrow it. She said yes. I've been reading the words out loud before I sleep. It is the weirdest thing I have ever read. I hope your other books are more normal, or that you'll read them out loud to me if they aren't. I could listen to anything if you read it to me.

Ed really misses you. We all do, but I think he and I took the loss especially hard. I have to hold him before he sleeps nearly every night because he cries so hard. Please write him back. I know I've said I would never beg you for anything, but I take that back now. I am begging you to write him back.

I hope we both sleep better as time passes. I wish you to be happy. I wish my family and I to be happy, too, though I fear that cannot happen until we're reunited with you. I miss you. I love you.

Yours forever,


Helen's note.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: Lilith's box of letters.

Dear Lilith,

I fear you do not really know who I am. My name is Helen. As you have most likely figured out, I am the mother of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. They all speak very highly of your intelligence, and I have no doubt Peter mentioned my note in his letter.

You should see the scraps around his room from his drafts. He spends hours writing the perfect letter for you, dear. I do so hope you care as much for him as he does for you. I would hate to see his heart broken.

All of my children have spoken very highly of you. The first night we were back, the whole conversation at dinner was about you. I am especially impressed by the impression you made on my Edmund. He doesn't take kindly to new people, and yet you've somehow managed to earn his trust in only a few months. It's quite a wonder. They all look up to you immensely, and I've noticed how mature they've gotten since coming back. Your influence, perhaps?

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