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on lilith:

- felt bad for how rude she was as a teenager

- asked her about narnia

- noticed how sad she got when she sang the lullaby

- asked her about the song and never got an answer

- had to look after her when she was hungover a few times

- tried to rebel but it never really worked

on peter:

- missed him like hell

- didn't understand where he went when she was little

- always waited for him to come home from school

- wished he would come hug her again

- wanted him to be able to come to her school things

- wished he had been there for her first date with richard

- snuggled him a lot

- gave him the biggest hugs

- asked him nonsensical questions just to hear him talk

on susan:

- finally got her to believe again

- cried with her

- never let her pay her for watching anne-lucy

- sang her the song for old times sake

- lived near her with richard her whole life

- held her hand at lilith's funeral

- thanked her for everything many times

on edmund:

- adored him

- made him chase her around every time they saw each other

- cried out for him after the accident

- wanted him to come back

- took some of his old things after he died

- loved the stories about him the most

- had a lot of the same mannerisms as him as she got older

on lucy:

- probably missed her the most

- cried whenever she thought of her

- missed dancing with her

- taught richard all the dances she taught her

- somehow remembered what her perfume smelled like

- wrote diary entries like she was talking to her

on caspian:

- thought he was the most annoying teenager ever

- sang him the song when he couldn't sleep

- forced him to read A Tale of Two Cities

- made him go outside on days he didn't want to

- patched him up after fights

- swore at him a lot

- teased him about sarah

- adored his daughters

- phoned him a lot after he moved

- used to sneak him alcohol sometimes

on richard:

- met him at school

- hated him at first

- thought he was a cocky know-it-all

- got to know him better because of a project

- realized he was actually quite insecure

- helped him become more confident

- needed constant reassurance he wouldn't leave after lilith died

- he proposed to her when they were 21

- loved the name choice of peter

- saw caspian as his little brother

- loved her family and their dynamic

- loved the song

- she would've died for him and their son

on peter:

- he was more like edmund than his grandfather/namesake

- played with callie and lucy

- helped his parents make food

- marie told him all the stories she told anne-lucy

- she also sang him the song

- loved him to the moon and back a million times

in general:

- incredibly smart

- inherited all of lilith's books

- looked like a perfect mix of lilith and peter

- was a good baker

- had a pretty singing voice

- listened to music religiously

- cried at every funeral she ever went to

- visited the graves a lot after she had peter

- smoked starting when she was 17

- stopped smoking while she was pregnant but kept going after

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