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Letter twenty-nine.

Status: delivered.

Current location: Peter's grave.

Dear dad,

Hello. You never met me, but I promise I'm your son. Caspian Peter Edmund Pevensie. Mum always said I looked just like you. It's hard for me to tell now, given that I've nearly outlived you.

It's very hard for me to write this. I don't know exactly what to say. Mum told me so many stories about you, but you'd never know I existed. Maybe you do somehow. I hope so.

I'm married with two children. My wife's name is Sarah, and my twin daughters are named Lucy and Callie. They're perfect. I chose the name Lucy for my aunt. Your sister. If you do somehow manage to read this, could you tell her? I feel like she'd like it. Aunt Sue named her daughter after her, too, though less obviously than me. Her name is Anne-Lucy.

Marie named her son Peter. For you, dad. She used to sing me the song you sang her when I'd cry. She sang it to Anne-Lucy as well, so I heard it a lot after mum died. I sing it to Callie and Lucy now, so I'm often the one putting them to bed. Sarah listens in, too. Maybe it's a Pevensie thing, to be able to sing so well. And to calm sad children to sleep.

I wish you had been able to at least meet me. It was really hard for mum to take care of me as a baby, especially because Marie was at such a fussy age. And because you lot died. I don't resent you as I once did. I almost feel bad. You never got to meet the son who ended up being a miniature version of you. At least, that's what mum and Aunt Sue have told me on multiple occasions.

I don't feel like I know you, but I know enough about you to love you. Mum, Aunt Sue, and Marie all have such fantastic stories of you that I feel I know of you, at least. Marie told me I should read the letters you and mum wrote each other after mum died. I did. It hurt really bad, dad. You and mum loved each other so damn much. I can't imagine losing Sarah like that. It would tear me to pieces. Mum was so strong. I hope you're proud of her. I am.

You died at my age. Well, physically. You were a lot older mentally. Because of Narnia. But you had a five-year-old daughter and another baby on the way. You had been married to mum (here) for only six years. That would total your marriage to sixteen years long. That's not nearly enough time. You both deserved to spend your entire lives together.

Tell mum, Aunt Lu, Uncle Ed, Grandmother and Grandfather that I love them all, too. I miss you lot so much. You would've loved Sarah, Lucy and Callie. I just know it.

All my love,

Caspian Pevensie

okay. you are 100% going to hate me for the next chapter.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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