P - L

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Letter fourteen.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: Lilith's box of letters.

Dearest Lilith,

What a lucky man I am. You're laying behind me again. It's Christmas now. I'm so glad mum let you stay with us this year. I'm not giving you this until after school starts, so here's my apology for the gifts. I tried to tell mum you wouldn't want one, but she insisted. I already had something for you anyway. I hope you don't mind. And if you're still fretting over it, let me remind you that mum didn't tell me what she wanted either, so I had to play a fun guessing game of what to get her. Don't let it take up your time, my love. There will be many more Christmas', and many more potential presents for my mother.

You met dad today. He really likes you. You know how I know that? Because if he didn't like you he'd have kept a much closer eye on us. He also told me so when he pulled me away.

Tonight may have been the best Christmas I've ever had. I was surprised dad could be there, and you were there too. He had no idea about the ring. Mum knew, but that's because I needed her to buy it for me while we were at school. I'm happy you liked it. Do you think it would have made a better Christmas gift than a birthday one? I suppose I just wanted to give it to you as soon as I could.

When I came in and you and Lucy were asleep on the couch my heart swelled. I honestly can't tell you how happy that sight made me. I have no explanation as to why, but it really did. I could tell mum and dad were happy too. I think they consider you a part of the family now, Lilith. I hope they do. The rest of us already do.

I think you know what I'm doing. I told you before I got up, but you were half asleep. You've woken up more now. You keep calling me back. This letter was longer than the last, so I'm happy.

I love you so much. You are everything to me.

Yours forever,


P.S. Dad told me again how much he liked you after we left. He wants you to come for every holiday now. Please oblige. I want you there too.

i have no idea why i've done this to myself. can you hear my heart breaking?

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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