P - L

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Letter five.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: Lilith's box of letters.

My dearest Lilith,

Thank you for writing back to all of us. Everyone but mum has been carrying your letters around in their pockets. We all cried together after reading them. Also, thank you for the necklace. Every time I touch it I see you in my mind and smile.

The suggestion of walks was a good one. Having the necklace has given me more incentive to leave our room, and we all go outside and walk around the neighborhood for at least an hour every day now. Mum is very happy we've been getting along so well. I think she suspects it's your influence.

I realized recently something else I miss about you: your lips. I don't just mean that in the way of I miss kissing you. I miss your smile, too. And you talking. And though I miss your kiss, I also miss when you would talk against my neck or chest while I held you. I also miss your smell. That sounds odd now that I've written it, but it's true. Most days you smell like a mix of vanilla and rain, and I only smell it when I open your letters. I hope you're taking care of yourself.

I want you so much. I don't care if I can kiss you or even hug you, just being able to feel your warmth near me would suffice. I hope you're coming soon. I don't know how much longer I can go without touching you.

One of my cousins is pregnant. Do you think we'll ever have children? I would love to have a family with you. You should send me names you'd want for our children if we were to have them. I have no ideas at the moment.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I miss you so much I think my heart may burst.

Yours forever,


yes, they did discuss having kids. names come later. 

if i do a chapter a day, we'll be here for another month. maybe i'll do a couple a day. 

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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