S - E

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Letter twenty-four.

Status: delivered.

Current location: Edmund's grave.

Dear Edmund,

Oh, my little brother. I'm so sorry.

I miss you so much. I know when we were younger I used to pretend I was so much more mature than you. Like I should always have been in charge because I was older. I thought I had so much more knowledge than you, or Lu, or even Peter and Lilith sometimes, and that meant everyone should listen to me all the time. I can understand why you were so snarky so often. I wish you would come be snarky to me again.

Sometimes I can't believe you only lived to nineteen here. Your niece is older than you were now. You never even met your nephew. Oh, Ed. You would have adored him. He's like a perfect mix of you and Lucy. He's got Lucy's optimism and kindness most of the time, but he's also got your sense of humor and ability to make anything look negative if he wants. Sometimes I actually appreciate it. However, he's the spitting image of Peter, which you wouldn't have liked too much. Lilith named him Caspian. Caspian Peter Edmund Pevensie. You would love him.

I just realized something. You lived to be older in Narnia than you ever did here, didn't you? I remember small things now. I remember one time, after a ball, when you got so drunk I had to carry you back to your rooms. You didn't even remember it. Lucy told you, but I just sat back and laughed. You handled everything so well when we were there, Eddie. I wish I could've seen you do more here. I wish you could've met a beautiful girl and had hilarious, sarcastic, adorable children for me to babysit. I wish you could've met Cas, and seen Marie grow into the gorgeous woman she is now. I wish you were there for her first date. Boy, you should've seen me at the door. Lilith said she was scared of me after that. I laughed at the time, but when Richard (Marie's boyfriend) told me I had actually scared him I felt kind of bad. You would've done a better job and not felt bad, Ed. I wish you were here for a lot of things.

I miss you. I miss Lu. I miss Peter. I miss Lilith. I miss mum and dad. I even miss Aslan. I hope He's taking good care of you all. Miss you dearly.

All my love,


i didn't write as much about the sibling relationships in the other books, so i'm really making it a big deal in here. i love the pevensies.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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